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Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

The end of summer is fast approaching! The nights are getting cooler, there’s a slight hint of red in the leaves, and Thayer Street is getting busier as students slowly return to campus. We eagerly await the full arrival of the class of 2025 and preparations are well underway to welcome them on campus. We are so thankful that God has opened the door for in-person learning and the opportunity to host events at the Judson Center. We can’t wait to gather the returning students together over shared meals and Bible study! This is a busy time for them; shopping classes, settling into new living arrangements, finding jobs, and reconnecting with old friends. But, even in the midst of all that, they always go the extra mile in greeting incoming freshmen and connecting them into the Christian community here at Brown. Will you please continue praying for:</>p>
  • The physical well-being and mental health of our students.
  • A successful welcoming campaign! We hope to meet as many incoming students as possible and we have only a few precious weeks to do this. Pray that these meetings would be fruitful, specifically that students would be interested in attending our Bible courses and excited to connect with the upperclassmen in the ministry.
  • That all the students in our ministry would continue to find strength, encouragement, and abiding joy in Christ. They have been through so much in the last 18 months. We pray that Christ would be preeminent in their lives and the source of their self-value, giving them strength to face temptations and the pressures of campus life.
  • That amidst the busyness of the first weeks on campus, our students and staff will have the strength and stamina to do the work of ministry! We expect lots of late nights, exceedingly greasy food (!), and daily schedules packed with meetings. Pray that we represent Christ well.

Thank you for supporting CU Libertas. We appreciate your prayers and partnership in the gospel.

Matt Woodard
CU Libertas Ministry Director

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Brown, please email prayer@christianunion.org.