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Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

“You stayed up late to finish a paper so now you’re relying on caffeine to make it through the day. You’re stressed but professors keep piling on the schoolwork. Like some mutant academic hydra, every time you cut down an assignment, two more grow in its place.” These are the opening lines to an article by Andy Cimbala published recently on The Gospel Coalition website. This is a great encapsulation of how most Dartmouth students are feeling. The winter term is ending which means that finals, spring break plans, internship applications, and more are on the minds of our students. Burnout and exhaustion are a daily struggle but we are not without hope. Our identity is not rooted in our performance nor our capacity but in God who calls us His sons and daughters. This truth doesn’t make the work disappear, but it does give us the strength to endure. As spring break approaches, join me in thanking God for another term filled with Bible courses, worship, evangelism, discipleship, relationship building, and prayer. Here are two specific requests and a praise:

Praise God for the provision of a meeting space in town for our Leadership Lecture Series, The Vine, which is our large group meeting on Friday nights. We are now renting meeting space at a community center instead of meeting over Zoom. It’s been wonderful to be in person again.

Pray for our incoming student executive team. Their leadership term will begin at the start of the spring term in late March. Pray that God will fill them with passion, energy, wisdom, and a spirit of service as they help lead the Christian community here on campus. Join me in praising God for gifting these leaders and for their willingness to serve.

Pray for a strong end to the winter term and that spring break would be a period of respite for the students. Pray that God would give them the perspective that we rest in order to work instead of the worldly understanding of “working for the weekend.” Pray that students would be recharged for the academic and gospel work that lies ahead in the spring term.

Thank you for your consistent prayers and generous support on behalf of the ministry here at Dartmouth.


Noah Crane
Interim Ministry Director
Christian Union Vox


Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Dartmouth, please email prayer@christianunion.org.