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Hello prayer partners,

Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful and want to update you for March to inform your prayers.

First, students have returned from their spring break refreshed to finish the semester. Many of them visited family and friends, and all of them used the time to catch up on sleep, study, and anything else necessary to steward well their time at HLS.

Second, we are close to finalizing the student leadership positions in Coram Deo Law for the fall. We hope to have a president, a vice president, and a communications director by the end of the semester. These will be the men and women who will lead the campaign to welcome 1L’s in September and all other events outside of our weekly Bible Groups.

Third, we are looking forward to our first ever Lessons and Prayers. You might be familiar with the tradition of Lessons and Carols at Christmas. It’s a time of brief Scripture readings that tell the gospel story with responsive songs interspersed from beginning to end. We are using this paradigm to have an evening of Scripture readings that will guide us into deeper prayer. And as these evenings progress, we trust the Lord will use them to conform us to his heart and mind and teach us more about his works on the HLS campus.

Please join us in praying that God will bless all of these efforts. Here, also, are a few more specific ways you can support us in prayer.

Bible Group Communities: Pray that our students will continue to invite friends and that our groups will continue to grow, even to the end of the semester. We are especially eager to help students have a transformative understanding of who Jesus is as our Lord and Savior. Our study of how Jesus identifies himself when he says, “I am . . .” in John’s Gospel gives us a special opportunity to focus on knowing him, not just about him.

Prayer Groups: Continue to pray that some students will create weekly prayer groups. We believe the Lord will honor these efforts and send his Spirit to accomplish still greater works in and through the students of Coram Deo Law.

Your partner in the gospel at HLS,

Michael Wilkinson
Christian Union Ministry Director
Coram Deo Law

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Harvard Law School, please email prayer@christianunion.org.