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Christian Union
“Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvested little…” Haggai 1:5,6

One of the most frustrating things in life is to invest an exorbitant amount of resources—time, talents, and sometimes treasures—towards something, to only see questionable ROI’s - RETURN ON INVESTMENTS. It’s painfully awkward when it’s someone else’s resources, but when it’s our own, it’s just painful. My wife, Melissa, will commonly say, “Well, that’s a part of my life I won’t get back!?” Ouch.

We all make investments, in fact, every day, with the considerable resources that God has endowed to each of us. Question is…are they wise investments that will contribute to the Kingdom of God, ultimately? And in my conversations with students, this question has come up many times, even in my short season here at HLS. As I attempt to learn how to serve and support the students and the work to which God has called me, I find myself praying this specific prayer for them—“God, give them insight and wisdom to see how this season at HLS fits into your plans. As you have called them here, in the midst of the pressures and competition, help them to consider their ways, that they may remain faithful to You, and not lose sight of this opportunity to bring Kingdom impact.” The ROI, if you will.

Thank you for your commitment in praying with us for the ministry at HLS. It is through prayer that we stand confidently in the power of God to do exceedingly more than we could imagine. Below are THREE prayer points:

1. Foundations - Please pray that I continue to develop trust and relational capital with students, having begun in the middle of the semester. I have met some wonderful students with whom I hope to develop great relationships for the coming years! My hope is that this group will be the foundation for a great spring semester of studying the Scriptures together! Pray for a qualified volunteer to work alongside the women of HLS, as well. It is an incredible opportunity for discipleship and teaching the Word of God!

2. Leadership matters! - Please pray that God will bring together a leadership team at Coram Deo. It’s been said that it all rises and falls on the quality of leadership, and there is not a shortage of leaders here at HLS. Pray that God would impress upon 3-4 people to take up the mantle of leadership to usher in a new season of vision and growth! Pray for the “right people, for the right time.” Exceedingly more than we can imagine!

3. All about students - Most importantly, please continue to lift up our students in your prayers. All of our 1L students just experienced their first round of exams, and they are, shall we say, “acclimated.” Many of our 1L and 2L students are also deep in the process of applying for internships and summer jobs, which can be stressful. And our 3L students are thinking about life after HLS, which comes with its own pressures, as well as, joys. Pray:

a. That they are not discouraged;
b. That they remember their worth and value is in Christ alone;
c. That they are not defined by a grade, ranking, or position;
d. That they would sense God’s presence and joy in every circumstance!

We could not do this without your continued support and prayers! Thank you for being part of God’s work here. The ROI on your investments of prayer and support have Kingdom implications that reflect the very nature of God’s immeasurable grace and generosity.

Your partner in the Gospel,

Justin Yim
Ministry Director
Christian Union at Harvard Law School

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Harvard Law School, please email prayer@christianunion.org.