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Christian Union Nova Partners and Family,

Here we are at the end of the most unique semester that any of us at Christian Union has ever faced. Classes at Princeton moved along through the semester as usual, but for the first time, there were no hangouts at Frist, no long walks to Whitman College, no ultimate frisbee games at Poe Field, or reading a book in Prospect Garden. No Ivy League championships from our amazing sports teams, and no theater productions that bring laughter. This year was filled with screen time, virtual environments, and online interactions instead. This semester is one that will never be forgotten by those who experienced it, but hopefully not for merely the reasons mentioned above.

Though much of the semester has been lacking, it does not mean that the Lord is not still moving on the campus at Princeton. Though there may be a lack of hugs and handshakes, there has still been Christian community built, regardless of the distance. The Lord has given our freshmen students a home to be a part of, and our upper-class students a place to serve in unique ways. Bible courses have still been a huge part of what we are doing, weekly meetings have been encouraging students through the preaching of the Word, and socials, though different in form, have given our students time to connect with one another.

We wanted to share one amazing prayer report. We have a student named David that joined us this year. He is a sophomore who connected with our ministry this summer and joined one of our Bible courses to study the book of Mark. David came in with a knowledge of Jesus, but not a personal relationship with Him. During a mid-November all Christian Union evangelistic event with Vince Vitale and Abdu Murray, David heard the gospel through the stories of the two men and gave his life over to Jesus that very night. Please rejoice along with us as we celebrate a new member of Christ's kingdom. Things may not be the same this year, but our God never changes, and his grace is still sufficient for everything that we need.

Please pray along with us for the following:

  • Just before Thanksgiving, President Eisgruber gave word that Princeton will be bringing students back to campus in the spring semester. Though we do not know yet what our connection will be, please pray for fruitful ministry, and for the possibility of in-person interaction with our students.
  • Pray for our students as they finish projects and finals during the first three weeks of December.
  • Pray for our new student leadership that will be taking over at the beginning of the spring semester. Pray that they would lead and serve their fellow students in a Christlike manner.
  • Continue praying about becoming a Cornerstone Partner with us to help us be able to reach the Princeton campus with the truth of the Gospel. We need your prayers and your financial support to make this possible.

As always, we thank you for your prayers and support. We would not be able to do what we do if it were not for you doing what you do. We are so thankful to call you brothers and sisters in Christ. And we look forward to seeing what our Father will continue to do through our service to see revival happen on this campus. Have a blessed day.


The Faculty and Students of CU Nova

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Princeton, please email prayer@christianunion.org.