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Thank you all for your continuing prayers in support of God’s work through Christian Union at Yale. The Lord is indeed moving here in beautiful ways. We celebrated as one of our freshmen, who made a faith commitment in high school, passed through the waters of baptism this past Sunday. Another student came to faith after a spiritual encounter two weeks ago. Still others are actively exploring, drawing near, and on the verge of giving their lives to Jesus. We’ve even had non-Christians bringing their friends to our Friday dinner and Leadership Lecture Series. Please pray:

  • That those still exploring Christianity will open their hearts to Jesus, who stands knocking at the door.
  • That those newly received into the fellowship of faith (and those who have been around longer) will continue to seek the Lord with ardent love and yield to His sanctifying work through the Holy Spirit.
  • That students will enjoy purposeful rest over this Thanksgiving break, drawing near to God and loved ones, and return with fresh energy for the final push toward exams in December.

At this time of year, I should mention that we do depend on the generosity of many supporters to make this ministry possible. The resources provided by alumni, parents, and friends make it possible to run Bible courses for Yale students this semester; to hold off-campus conferences, where students step away from campus life to grow closer to God and deepen their relationships with one another; to engage in creative Gospel outreach on campus and bring engaging speakers; and, of course, to meet with students one-on-one, to counsel and encourage them toward new faith in Christ or to deeper maturity in Him. Would you prayerfully consider making a special gift by December 31 to support current students as they hear the Gospel and grow in faith?

To Him who supplies all our need, who bears with us patiently as He reshapes and refashions us into the likeness of His beloved Son, who is the Source of all light and life, may your hearts and ours overflow with gratitude and love, this Thanksgiving Day and always.

Michael Racine
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Yale

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Yale, please email prayer@christianunion.org.