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Christian Union
Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4)

Faithful prayer has continued to characterize CU Lux through the summer! In the midst of internships, jobs, and other responsibilities, our students have continued to be persistent in withdrawing to pray together, demonstrating their love for God and their commitment to this precious community.

Abide prayer occurs twice weekly. Recent highlights of this time include the special joy of having brand new incoming freshmen join in prayer with our students who are so eager to welcome the Class of 2025! An upperclassman who took a year off for mental health reasons has felt the embrace of loving support as she is prayed for and was, in turn, strengthened as she prays for others. A comment from one of our students on our GroupMe chat is, “best part of my night was Abide, hands down!!” The prayer meeting has become the best part of a student’s night! The online prayer board is accessible for the community both to track requests that come in and to share in giving thanks for the way God is working in our midst. The spirit of prayer is becoming contagious as students seek God together!

Our student leaders and ministry fellows are also actively getting into the mindset of planning programs and events that will be specially dedicated to receiving the incoming freshmen class. The freshmen welcoming campaign will be preceded by a retreat during the last weekend of August. This is a time when the core leadership team and those committed to gathering in our freshmen will go away together to pray, bond, and plan an effective program of events to welcome freshmen into the family of CU Lux.

Please pray,

  • for our pre-retreat that it will be a time of deep spiritual renewal and that our plans and strategies will be God-inspired and blessed as we seek His wisdom and favor in our work together for a successful freshman welcoming campaign.
  • for safe travel and good health as both freshmen and upperclassmen arrive at Yale, including the CU Lux community.
  • for a good balance of men and women in the ministry, particularly praying that our male sophomore and junior Bible courses increase in number and be encouraged to persist.
  • for blessings over Dr. Ben Pascut and his dear family as they move away from CU, giving thanks for his service and love for this community.
  • for the search process that is underway for a new Ministry Director.
  • for Michael Racine, who rejoins CU Lux as a half-time ministry fellow and is eager to reconnect, mentoring our students and emerging leaders. He will continue half-time writing Bible studies for Christian Union. The first volume is Psalms 1-41, which has been recently published with Tyndale. We give thanks as a larger team for this wonderful work. Join us in praying that this resource will both be widely used and a blessing to many.
  • for our ministry fellows and student Exec Team, Chitra K, Michael R, Maddie B, Luke B, Tiana L, as they join hands together to lead the ministry teams at CU Lux, that the work would flourish with God being their Helper.
  • for our partnership together as we pray fervently, love wholeheartedly, and serve joyfully, for God to be honored above all, here on this precious campus at Yale.

You are an important part of this picture of abiding with us in prayer!

Thank you for your faithful partnership.

With much love in Christ,

Chitra Kovoor
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union Lux