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Please Pray for Christian Union's ministry at Yale.

Summer has finally arrived in all its verdant glory here in New Haven, and with it has come the time for us to say goodbye to our seniors and 'see you soon' to our underclassmen as they head off for the summer.

Dear Prayer Partners,

The spring semester at Yale always seems to fly by, and here we find ourselves again entering the final week of classes. As our Bible courses wrap up, yet even before we send off our graduating seniors, pray for their transition to the next stage of their lives as we rejoice at what God is doing in our midst now.

First off, we thank God for raising up bright new student leaders to carry our ministry forward this next year and beyond. We prayed last spring that God would send us leaders in the incoming class, and He has delivered in a big way. With a current sophomore and two first-years leading our new executive team, and several first-year students stepping into other key leadership positions, we are a young ministry moving forward. We are excited to see what God will do through these young men and women who have already demonstrated not only bold faith, creativity and an eagerness to serve, but also teachability and a real hunger to know God and make Him known together. Please pray for these student leaders, up and running in their new positions as of a few weeks ago, that God will continue to guide, embolden and strengthen them—that they will continue to draw near to God, and He to them.

Thank you for your continued prayers for us at Yale.  The prayers of a righteous person work powerfully (James 5:16), and we are grateful to be carried by your prayers on a regular basis!

Happy 2018 & thank you for your continued prayers for us! We are grateful for your steadfast support in prayer, and I want to thank you for praying for our staff team and our students over Christmas break.

Grace and Peace to you from God Our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we are a week out from Christmas! Our students have been writing Advent Devotions on Facebook for the last few weeks with various challenges to seek God, practice thankfulness, and otherwise prepare ourselves for the King. I hope that you have been (or will be) able to prepare as well, but the amazing fact still remains that Jesus Christ has come to us, even when we weren't ready. His grace meets us right where we are—dead in our sins—and through his death and resurrection, we are “made alive together with Christ” (Ephesians 2:5). These are truly tidings of comfort and joy!

Dear Prayer Partners,

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ!  Thank you for your continued prayers for our students, our staff, and Yale University as a whole.  As we’re wrapping up our study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians this week and next, I’m reminded of Philippians 1:3-5 that we “thank God in all our remembrance of you … because of your partnership in the gospel”.  Both through your prayers and the help of Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:19), we are confident in the Lord that He will continue to build his kingdom here at Yale.