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Christian Union Universities

Dear friends,

All praise is due to our faithful God who continues to bestow grace and favor on us as we do his work at Columbia University. Our staff continues the work of discipleship even amid various challenges, and we are seeing students grow in their commitment to follow Christ as we remain committed to them.

Dear Friends and Family of HCFA,

Thank you for your continued partnership in prayer for this ministry. As a staff team it is a huge encouragement to know that you all are invested in this ministry and lifting us up in prayer consistently.


On March 15 we had the privilege of partnering with Aletheia Church here in Providence to bring Dr. Brian Miller, Research Director at Discovery Institute, to Brown’s campus to talk with students on “How Science Points to a Creator.” Dr. Miller, a physicist with degrees from MIT and Duke, presented a 45-minute-long lecture, which covered everything from cosmology to physics to biology in his attempt to show that science and faith are not at odds. His lecture was followed by a time dedicated to allowing the audience to ask Dr. Miller follow-up questions as they processed his presentation.

To our friends and partners in the Gospel,

This month has brought much needed rest and peace here at Christian Union at PENN. This wasmmuch needed after the busy Fall and frigid winter months. After beginning the month with midterms, many of our students were able to get away to warmer climates with friends and family over spring break. They have returned with renewed spirits, energetic and hopeful for the months to come.

Dear partners in prayer for Cornell,

We celebrate the first full two months of the semester with many praises, thanks to your support in praying for us.

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

Students have returned to campus and are now deep into their spring semester studies.  Milder temperatures in January have given way to recurrent storms in February blanketing the Harvard community in the bright white of winter’s colors.

Greetings friends and partners!

It is with great joy and gratitude that I write to you with this report on the past month of ministry here on the campus of Princeton University.  By God’s grace, we have seen our healthiest and most vibrant month so far this year; I’ll share some highlights in the space below.


Spring semester is well underway here at Brown University, and we are keeping plenty busy with Bible Courses, our weekly lecture series, The Anchor, community and outreach events and much more.


We continue to see God’s grace in our ministry as we disciple students. One example of this is our winter conference which took place Jan. 20-22 at Spruce Lake. We were privileged to see students make strides in their walk with God. During one of our small group prayer times at the retreat, one young lady, who suffers from social anxiety and had never prayed before was taught by another student to pray. After she prayed for the first time, she was overwhelmed with joy and expressed interest to continue meeting with students to practice seeking God together.

Dear Partners in Prayer,

We covet your prayers as our student leadership has undertaken an enormous outreach effort--to reach every senior before he or she leaves Yale. At midnight on February 16, the email below was sent to the 1,322 members of the senior class. By 10am it had been opened by more than 1000 people.

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