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Princeton University

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I write you this letter, we are nearing the final stretch of the semester here in Princeton. There are only two weeks of classes left. As we near the end of the Spring semester, we continue to see the fruit of your prayers and support!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am writing you again to express our continued thankfulness for your support as well as to give you an update on our ministry here in Princeton. As a result of your prayers, God continues to work in the lives of our students.

The Reunions 2018 Annual Brunch hosted by Princeton Faith and Action (PFA), the Christian student organization resourced by Christian Union, will be listed under the student organization name in the University's Reunions schedule.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

I am writing you as we begin a new semester at Princeton to thank you for your ongoing prayers, encouragement, and financial support for our ministry. We depend on your prayerful support for the ministry we do here, so thank you. We want you to know that God is at work in the lives of our students!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As I sit down to write this letter, Princeton students are busy preparing for their final exams and making the final push on their final papers. Since our last letter, students have mostly been away on their winter break, so most of this update will be forecasting the exciting spring semester ahead. We are grateful for your faithful support in the form of prayers, encouragement and financial gifts that make all of this possible.

I am writing this email on the final day of classes at Princeton. The semester has flown by and we are delighted in what the Lord has done in the ministry. We are grateful for your faithful support in the form of prayers, encouragement and financial gifts. It’s a pleasure to share with you the following highlights and updates.

Dear partners in the Gospel,

As I write this email, it finally feels like Autumn in Princeton. We are enjoying the cool mornings, warm afternoons and the start of fall foliage. It’s a beautiful time of the year. We are so thankful for your faithful prayers, support, and encouragement as we adjust to the rhythms of the new academic year. We are off to a good start and I’m happy to share with you the following highlights and updates from the past month.

Dear friends,

We are grateful for your faithful prayers, support, and encouragement during these weeks as we launch into a new and exciting season of ministry on the campus of Princeton University.  Even as I write this report, we are concluding our first full week of ministry with classes in session. I’m happy to share with you the following highlights from the past month.

Greetings from Princeton!

My name is James Fields and it is with great joy and humility that I bring you greetings as Christian Union’s Interim Ministry Director at Princeton University. If my name sounds familiar, it is because I have been working as a ministry fellow at Princeton University for the past four years. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the Princeton community, at-large, and the students & staff at Princeton, specifically, by assuming this new role.  

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Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

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