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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
March 8, 2017

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith...
— Philippians 3:8-9

Recapturing a Theology of Work

By Skye Jethani
From Billy Graham Center for Evangelism

Author and speaker Skye Jethani shares insightful thoughts on the theology of vocation and calling — and talks about what happens when the church abandons it...

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After the Exile: Poetry and the Death of Culture

By Anthony Esolen
From Public Discourse

We are a people now illiterate in a way that is unprecedented for the human race. We can decipher linguistic signs on a page, but we have no songs and immemorial stories in our hearts...

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Lent is Here to Throw Us Off Again

By W. David O. Taylor
From Christianity Today

I both love and dread Lent.

I dread it because it asks a great deal of me. It invites me to give up things that I enjoy, things whose absence I might feel acutely, in some cases painfully. It does so not, as the casual Christian might suppose...

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Redemption of the Erotic

By Charles J. Chaput
From First Things

To borrow a thought from C. S. Lewis, the human person is a kind of “amphibian”—a creature made by God for both this world and the next, a fusion of spirit and flesh that gives the body special dignity. The rightly ordered joy of our senses in this world...

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Defending Life at Harvard Law

By Eileen Scott
From Christian Union: The Magazine

Students with Christian Union's ministry at Harvard Law School are taking their passion for justice from the classroom to the campus community as they promote the most basic of human rights:life...

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Don't Miss the Nexus Conference for Professionals

From Christian Union

If you haven't already done so, please consider signing up for Christian Union's annual Nexus Conference for professionals. The conference will take place April 7-9, in Stamford, Connecticut. Don't miss this life-changing weekend of dynamic worship and compelling ideas about faith and its relevance to our work and culture...

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Prayer Requests

Please pray that many students from Christian Union ministries would attend the Nexus 2017 conference for students, and that God would work powerfully in those students' lives. This conference — which is held in parallel with the Nexus Professionals Conference — will be held April 7-9, in Stamford, CT.

As we enter into the season of Lent we remember that this is a time not only of reflection and repentance, but a time also of God beckoning His people back to the hope and glory of the resurrected Christ. This is a time for us to convey this welcome to a watching world looking for meaning and hope.

Would you commit to pray for 15 minutes a day to see God move powerfully in the nation? Join thousands of American Christians to pray for sweeping spiritual transformation. Visit DayAndNight.org to sign up or learn more >

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