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February 3, 2025

Signs and Wonders

Christian Union Hosts Ken Fish at Recent Biannual Conference in NYC

By christian union

God is not simply a concept or theory. So often in the Western Church, Christians read the stories of the Bible and assume that signs and wonders were events that occurred in biblical times and simply don’t happen today. Ken Fish is one Christian leader in America who is here to explain otherwise. His 2023 book, On the Road with The Holy Spirit: A Modern Day Diary of Signs and Wonders, is based on a diary he kept over the course of five years while he was traveling extensively around the world. Fish spent time almost daily writing down the healings and miracles that the Lord was doing through hundreds of journal entries.

Fish's book focuses on five key elements that drive an authentic Christian life marked by signs and wonders—prophetic ministry, the power of God, purity, the presence of God, and prayer—elements that have all been essential in Fish’s own ministry, Orbis Ministries. “The God of the Bible is alive and well today, doing exactly what the Bible reports. And not only is that true, but if people want to engage in a life marked by signs and wonders, it's available to them," says Fish. In his writing, lectures, and teachings, Fish testifies to the incredible healings and deliverances that the Lord has done. 

Fish serves as the event speaker for Christian Union's Gospel of the Kingdom Conferences, biannual weekend conferences for Christian Union students, alumni, and partners to explore the supernatural dimension of the Christian faith. Since 2015, Christian Union has hosted these conferences in Manhattan to focus on physical and emotional healing, deliverance, prophesy, and other miraculous aspects of ministry.

The most recent Gospel of the Kingdom Conference was held last month in the heart of New York City, where Fish addressed the topic of Biblical blessings and curses to help empower believers to claim their inheritance of freedom as children of God. 

Christian Union students attending Gospel of the Kingdom Conference in Jan 2025

Learn more about Christian Union New York here

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January 17, 2025

Students at Harvard Law Hunger for God

Ministry Leader at Harvard Law School Shares Vision and Hope

By justin yim, ministry director of christian union gloria law

Greetings from Harvard Law School!

As we begin 2025, I want to take a moment to reflect on all that God accomplished in 2024. In my six-plus years with Christian Union Gloria Law, I can confidently say that this past year has been the most fruitful and exciting season of ministry yet.

From the start of the fall semester, we noticed something special about the 1L class—they came with a hunger for Christian community. It was the largest and most engaged group of incoming students I’ve ever seen at HLS. At the core of this incredible year has been your faithful prayers and support, asking God to grow our influence and impact. Much of the culture-building we experienced is thanks to an amazing group of student leaders on our executive board. These godly men and women embraced CU’s vision to develop Christian leaders on campus and courageously shared the Gospel with their classmates. They were instrumental in fostering a close-knit community centered around God’s Word and a shared desire to see revival at HLS.

harvard law 2025

Our relationships with the HLS administration and other Christian ministries have never been stronger. We’ve built a solid foundation for worship and prayer together with the broader Christian community, which has been a tremendous encouragement.

We’ve started to see answers to prayers in key areas of ministry. At the beginning of 2023, we struggled to engage female students—only two women were involved in our Bible courses. But this past year, over 20 women expressed interest, attended Bible courses, and joined our co-ed groups! Praise God for this growth! Our midweek Bible course consistently averaged 18 attendees, and our small groups saw steady participation. Additionally, we now have a growing group of married students who have made CU their home and are committed to serving in the years ahead. It has been beautiful to see their spouses also getting connected.

Another highlight was stepping out in faith to share the gospel through various outreach efforts. During Campus Kindness events, we offered refreshments, Christian books, and ESV Bibles to students. We also hosted our first mini-CU Classic event with guest speaker and author Rebecca McLaughlin. Afterward, we heard that one student’s friend gave her life to Christ, saying the event “changed her life.” God is at work!

We even saw boldness among our 1L students, who handed out tracts and shared the Gospel on a street corner after the Harvard-Yale football game. They had meaningful conversations with attendees, planting seeds for the Kingdom.

I firmly believe that the strength of our leadership team has a direct impact on the growth of our ministry. I want to thank all past executive board members who laid the groundwork for this year’s strong board. Their faithful leadership has built a foundation that we will continue to grow upon in the years ahead.

Above all, I am convinced that God is doing something special on campus. Our CU community is growing closer as a family of Christ-followers, with many students expressing how much they love being part of CU. Together, we are united in praying for revival at Harvard Law School.

Learn more about how to support Christian Union Gloria Law at Harvard Law School. 

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January 16, 2025

Alumni Spotlight: Cassandra James

Inspiring Imagination and Adventure in Young Adults

By erin conner, writer & communications associate  


"God has been in this quite literally since the very beginning," said Cassandra James, Princeton '23, as she reflected on her professional writing career.  


"As a child, I was an absolute bookworm, and I would max out my library  card. I aged out of kids' literature and wanted to read more stories but couldn't find the kind of stories I desired to read, so my mother dared me, 'If you can't find it, write it.'" 


So, she did.

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January 1, 2025

How Can Christians Influence Society?

by Christian Union America

For many years a populist mindset has dominated Christian thinking about how to influence a society, meaning that Christians have believed that when a majority of people value virtue, culture will follow. But according to James Davision Hunter, the LaBrosse-Levinson Distinguished Professor of Religion, Culture and Social Theory·at the University of Virginia, "culture changes from the top down; rarely, if ever, from the bottom up."

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December 17, 2024

Alumni Spotlight: Jesus is the Reward

Esther Xiang, Harvard '23

by erin conner, writer and communications associate

"I thought Harvard would give me everything I ever needed," said Esther Xiang, as she reflected on her undergraduate career, "but only Jesus can do that." Xiang graduated from Harvard in 2023 as a psychology major. She walked out of Cambridge, rejecting the voice of the world, and followed the voice of God into full-time missionary work to be Jesus's hands and feet to the nations. The Lord opened up a door for her to take a year off and do global mission work in the Himalayas, France, and New Zealand. 

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December 1, 2024

Nine Ways to Help Students

How to Join a Movement to Transform Culture for Christ in America

By erin conner, writer and communications associate

Christian Union Universities (CUU) is developing leaders with spiritual depth at strategic places for cultural engagement to change the world. CUU serves students at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Harvard Law, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. You can join this movement to equip our nation's students at these highly influential and secular schools with the power and love of Jesus in the following ways: 

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November 18, 2024

Faith & Mental Health: A Testimony of Freedom

Christian Leader in Media Shares Life-Giving Message in a Culture of Despair

By erin conner, writer and communications associate

Carrie Sheffield, a renowned columnist and broadcaster in Washington DC, released a memoir this past spring entitled Motorhome Prophesiesthat proclaims liberty is possible for the captives of trauma. Sheffield is a Harvard alumna, a member of Christian Union America, and serves in an advisory role for the Christian Union Washington DC board of advisors. 

Sheffield shares insights with millions of Americans on networks like CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, CBS News, CNBC, BBC, and more. From ABC’s Good Morning America to HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, PBS,and C-SPAN, she brings a voice of virtue to the American communications and media industry through boundless interviews, articles, appearances on television shows and podcasts, and at forums across the nation. 

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November 16, 2024

Alumnus Wins Congressional Seat

Former Christian Union Student President Claims Victory in Recent Election

By Erin conner, writer and communications associate 

Leaders developed at Dartmouth shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Dartmouth has produced influential figures, including author Dr. Seuss, beloved T.V. personality Fred Rogers, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and former central banker and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Another name of influence has been recently added to this list: Brandon Gill. 

Brandon Gill claimed victory in the congressional race for the 26th district of Texas over Democrat Ernest Lineberger III in the recent November election.

Gill's Congressional webpage states, "I attended Dartmouth College and graduated cum laude with degrees in both Economics and History. I was President of the conservative paper, The Dartmouth Review. I was also President of Christian Union and grew it to be one of the largest student groups on campus, despite being on a campus hostile to the Christian faith. In college, I fought the left nonstop - on their own turf - and I left Dartmouth even more conservative than when I arrived."

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October 10, 2024

Christian Union Connects Leaders in a New City

Christian Union Washington, DC Hosts First Annual Reception 

by erin conner, writer and communications associate

On a warm October evening in Arlington, VA, close to two dozen people gathered to attend Christian Union's first annual Washington, DC reception. This reception included a meet and greet for attendees to connect with other Christian Union alumni and friends of the ministry. It also hosted Carrie Sheffield, a nationally renowned columnist and broadcaster, as the guest speaker to share an overview of her recently published memoir, Motorhome Prophecies. Sheffield, a Harvard alumna and member of Christian Union America, will be serving in an advisory role for the Christian Union Washington, DC Board of Advisors.  

sheffield DC

Carrie Sheffield sharing at Christian Union's Washington, DC Reception

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October 8, 2024

Seeking the Lord in Cities: From Santiago to DC

Alumni Spotlight: Sarah Deonarain, Harvard Class of 2023

by erin conner, writer and communications associate

"Something holy was there," said Sarah Deonarain about her first visit to Christian Union's Leadership Lecture Series at Harvard called Doxa. "Peaceful, genuine communities coming together to worship God in the middle of campus created a beautiful space… something I had not experienced before." Deonarain grew very attached to this space over her undergraduate career at Harvard. 

Her journey to how she got to Christian Union testifies to the fact that God provides us with the people, places, and things we need to grow close to Him if we are willing to see and say "yes." Deonarain admits at first she didn't, saying "no" several times to an invitation to come and experience Christian community. Like many students, she admitted to being swept up in the busyness of the culture, but when change was needed, she said yes to a persistent and faith-filled friend who warmly invited her time and time again. 

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August 28, 2024

Shepherds for Sale: The Bennett Broadcast's Recent Book Review

A Closer Look at Episodes 2 and 3 of a Newly Launched Christian Podcast

By Erin conner, writer and communications associate 

51 million Americans listen to podcasts at least once a month, making it a powerful platform for Matt Bennett, Founder and President of Christian Union and the Heritage Pastors Association, to use to deliver messages about national revival and reformation. 

In two episodes of his newly launched podcast, Bennett explores ideas in Megan Basham's best selling book Shepherds for Sale; a book that investigates how deeply secular billionaires have infiltrated America’s churches. Shepherds for Sale "documents how progressive powerbrokers set out to change the American church… and warns of what happens when the church trusts the world’s wisdom instead of Scripture" (Amazon.com). In review of the book, Os Guinness shares, "Some will quibble over details, but no one should miss the powerful warning in this book. We face a gathering storm, as Winston Churchill warned a century ago, but this time the enemy is inside as well as outside the gates. Every convinced and unashamed Evangelical should read, ponder, and pray over this important book."

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August 20, 2024

Keep the Fire Burning

Host a CU Fire Retreat This October in Your Own Home or Church 

by Christian union america

"Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord."-Romans 12:11

Over ten thousand people joined Christian Union to fast and pray for America to Return to God through the CU National Fast this August. As Americans continue to seek God for the nation's return, Christian Union is offering an opportunity for believers across the country to host an in-home retreat this fall to keep the fire of our faith burning.

Join Christian Union for a powerful simulcast retreat on October 4-5 to build on the spiritual momentum from the fast, strengthen your walk with the Lord and deepen your friendships with others who are passionate about revival in your own lives, as well as in the lives of your families, churches, and communities.

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August 12, 2024

Building Relationships for Life

Mentorship Pair Shares Insight into Christian Union's Alumni Program 

by Christian union america

Part of Christian Union’s mission is to transition alumni into the workforce or into graduate school well, linking them with a broad Christian network to support and sustain their faith for life through a meaningful mentorship program. In this program, mentors and mentees, paired largely based on common career paths, meet monthly to discuss topics such as seeking God, developing a bold faith, connecting to a local church, and navigating the workplace as a believer. 

Ann Brooks is among the dozens of accomplished and faithful mentors with whom Christian Union America collaborates. After joyfully attending her mentee's wedding, she and her mentee, Delaney Thull, sat down to share some insights in the interview below:

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August 6, 2024

Bennett Broadcast Launches to Give Hope

The Bennett Broadcast Launches First Episode August 6, 2024

by Erin conner, writer and communications associate

Matt Bennett, founder and president of Christian Union and Heritage Pastors Association, is launching a new podcast to stir the hearts of Americans to seek God wholeheartedly and pray for revival. This podcast comes at a critical time in our nation's history, as many across the country long for renewal and revival, knowing that while political and cultural engagement is important, spiritual renewal must come first. God has done this in America's history and is currently transforming nations around the world. He can do it again. Bennett seeks to convey this hope in his weekly podcast, pointing the nation to God as the source of true help and healing. 

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July 31, 2024

Over Ten Thousand Participants Join Christian Union to Fast and Pray

A Note about Revival from Matt Bennett, Founder and President 

Zechariah 8:20-23 (ESV) “Thus says the LORD of hosts: Peoples shall yet come, even the inhabitants of many cities. The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, ‘Let us go at once to entreat the favor of the LORD and to seek the LORD of hosts; I myself am going.’ Many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the LORD. Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’”


Revival theologian Jonathan Edwards identifies Zechariah 8:20-23 as the most descriptive passage on revival in the Bible, centering it in his essay, An Humble Attempt, to promote united prayer for outpourings of the Spirit. America is currently at a crossroads, and more than ever needs to return to God wholeheartedly. Today is the first day of a 14-day fast led by Christian Union, beseeching God to have mercy on the nation and to bring revival.

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July 24, 2024

Triggering a Sea of Change

A Look Back at Tim Keller's Final Words to a Nation in Need of Revival

by Christian union america, first published in 2023; revised and edited in 2024

It has been over a year since Tim Keller penned and published his last words to Americans. Two of Keller’s final written pieces, published just weeks before his passing on May 19, 2023, were on the subject of revival. One such article was directed to the church at The Gospel Coalition (March 17, 2023) and the other offered to all Americans in The Atlantic(February 5, 2023).

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July 17, 2024

Stanford Alumni Highlight

Christian Union Caritas, Isaiah Drummond, '21

by Erin Conner, writer & communications Associate 

"I want to be a changemaker in the energy space," Isaiah Drummond effortlessly shared, when asked what he wants his work to accomplish.

In 2021, when Drummond graduated from Stanford, he posted a heartfelt and humble note: "I finished my Stanford journey and acquired my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Thank you to all the family, friends, and mentors who helped me along the way and pushed me past the finish line. These past five years on the Farm were incredible, and I am so grateful for the learnings and experiences that have molded me into the person I am today. I want to thank my family for their guidance, prayers, and wisdom at every step. Finally, for the hundreds of individuals who have poured into me over the years, thank you for all that you have done. Without the village around me, I would never have gotten this far and I am forever grateful."

Christian Union Caritas served as one small yet meaningful part of the village that helped to shape him into the person he has become.

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July 10, 2024

Powerful Worship Event Held in NYC

Adora America Event at Madison Square Garden Created Altar of Unity

by erin conner, writer and communications associate

On July 5, 2024, powerful worship and prayer filled the atmosphere of Madison Square Garden in midtown Manhattan, as thousands of believers gathered to unite to give glory and honor to God. Matt Bennett, founder and president of Christian Union, a ministry that works to develop Christian leaders at strategic universities and cities across the U.S., was honored and humbled to pray for the corporate Body of Christ as part of this event held by Adora America

Adora America "looks to collaborate with God in connecting the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in a region, so that we might preach the gospel and flood the earth with the message of the Kingdom of God. As part of a previous move of God amongst the Hispanic community in this region, in 1998, the church declared New York as the city of God." 

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July 1, 2024

A Nationwide Call to Unite in Humility

Christian Union is Hosting a National Fast for America to Return to God

by Erin conner, writer and communications associate

Pew and Barna research showcases the multi-decade decline of Christian belief and practice in America among both strongly committed and marginally committed Christians. Projections indicate that 50 million people will be "lost" without reconciliation to God through Christ by 2050. America has suffered mass secularization in the last few decades resulting in an increase in disorder in America, from the highest levels of depression and anxiety on record since the Great Depression to a significant and measurable decrease in personal and societal health and stability. 

In response to this reality, Christian Union America will be holding a 14-day national fast from August 1 to August 14, 2024, that will emphasize the need for American Christians and the American people to turn to God. This initiative will urge Christians to fast and pray for our nation, for our nation's leaders to return to God, and for all Americans to heed the Lord's loving call to reconciliation, repentance, and obedience. 

Christian Union will provide all participants with a guide to fasting, an email devotional each day of the fast, an online community for participants, and a Bible reading plan. Participants will also be added to Christian Union's app, which is hosting a private group for this purpose. This online group will allow participants to connect with other like-minded Christians from the east to the west coast, share testimonies, and access additional resources such as videos and articles during the fast. 

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June 17, 2024

Leading by Following the Way

Christian Union Lumine's Ministry Shines Light in the Midst of Chaos

by Erin Conner, writer and communications associate  

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"
-John 14:6

At times, Columbia University looked more like a military training zone than a university this past spring. On April 30, NYPD police wearing riot gear entered Hamilton Hall through a window to arrest students who barricaded themselves inside the building, prompting many people across the country to ask "what is going on at Columbia?" 

Christian Union Lumine, a student leadership development ministry at Columbia, has been working to share truth and life with others during a turbulent semester.  

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