Christian Union Video
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Learn more about how Christian Union is promoting national revival and reformation for a spiritually vibrant America through Christian leadership. That’s been the heart of Christian Union’s vision and mission all along through two strategic ministries: Christian Union Universities (CUU) and Christian Union America (CUA). The aim is not just to endure our current trials, but to recapture the Christ-centered spiritual vibrancy that blessed the world for generations.Student Spotlight
The idea that faith and reason are opposing forces, enemies of one another that will never find common ground is a familiar concept in our increasingly secular society: faith is blind, reason is logical, faith isn’t academic, reason is scientific. Like many intellectually ambitious high schoolers, this was the thinking of Timothy Kinnamon, Columbia '20. But when Kinnamon entered Columbia and came across the CU Lumine community, he found these assumptions challenged and quickly overturned.
Doxa at Harvard
Former Christian Union Teaching Fellow Nick Nowalk unpacks a talk regarding the hiddenness of God titled, "The God Who Hides: Reflections on the Central Dilemma of Faith" to Christian Union Gloria students at Harvard.
Standing on John 15:1-17, Adrian’s session is designed to encourage working Christians to value themselves and their work from Jesus' value system vs the world's value system.
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