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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
June 29, 2017

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

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He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. — Ecclesiastes 3:11

Talks at Google: Abortion, From Controversy to Civility

By Stephanie Gray 
From Talks at Google

Stephanie Gray, co-founder of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and founder of a new ministry, Love Unleashes Life, was invited to speak as part of the Talks at Google series. The Catholic News Agency provides a synopsis of the talk and a link to the video.

Google describes the talk this way: Gray "applies the Socratic method and storytelling to the debate surrounding abortion. She invites the audience to be 'pro-conversation' on a topic that can be one of the most divisive, and demonstrates that it is possible to be gracious and respectful when encountering different ideas."

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Our Addiction to Technology: Resistance Must Begin in the Home

By Christopher Tollefsen
From Public Discourse

Our enslavement to technology leaves us alienated, depressed, and distracted, first of all by disrupting the cultivation of virtue in the home. Andy Crouch has written a thoughtful and practical guide for families looking to redirect their attention from technology to what really matters.

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U2's 'The Joshua Tree' Turns 30

By Mike Cosper
From The Gospel Coalition

In the world of pop music, it’s hard to overstate the importance of U2’s The Joshua Tree. The album’s cinematic soundscapes and themes of longing, loss, and hope are as relevant today as they were 30 years ago, when the album first released.

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One Christian's Journey to Pray for One Hour

By Kent & Barbara Hughes
From Christian Union

CU Day and Night promotes spiritual strengthening in Christians across America, helping them thrive in order to make an impact in an increasingly secular culture by covenanting together for successive spiritual initiatives. This article is one of many on the site designed to encourage believers to seek God wholeheartedly.

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Evangelizing a Crowd

By Randy Newman
From Connection Points

A friend asked me how she should have responded when her non-Christian coworkers “all ganged up” on her at a recent after-work dinner party. She wondered if she could have done things better. One person began with, “You’re a Christian, right? What kind of Christian?” Another one...

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Prayer Requests

Please pray for the new ministry faculty and staff who have joined Christian Union as they get oriented and up to speed in their new positions. And please pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to hire a couple of additional people before the fall.

We know that culture changes through networks and institutions over long periods of time. Christian Union New York is developing networks in finance, technology and media to solidify a faithful presence in those spheres. Please pray for men and women to populate and lead these networks.

We are asking God to draw near to us as we draw near to Him. God, do a mighty work in America! Would you commit to praying for revival, 15 minutes per day, for at least one month?  Sign up here >


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We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about this newsletter or about any of the articles above. Please use this Contact Us form to share your thoughts >