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Christian Union: The Magazine
“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
April 4, 2018
Christian Union New York was delighted to welcome Jeff Smith for a salon on March 29, 2018 titled, "Faith in Giving: A Paradigm Shift for the City."


When charitable giving becomes a compulsory, routine obligation of function rather than a joy of service, we miss out on God's joyful intent for our lives. Jeff Smith, founder of Generosity NY, believes that we can shift this paradigm. Not by focusing on the needs, but on the heart of the giver. Simply, by putting the joy back in charitable giving. Generosity NY helps givers focus on what's in their heart, to share their passion and learnings in community - and magnify their impact. Then, philanthropy becomes a fulfilling experience - celebrating and sharing the generosity springing from the heart of an individual, to ignite a community of like-minded givers. Jeff will share applicable stories and tools to make your giving more strategic, impactful, and fun.

Event Overview 
CU New York was delighted to feature Jeff Smith at our latest salon. Jeff presented a powerful overview of helpful tools and forms of effective giving, and brought the CU NYC community together in fellowship over an important kingdom topic. Thanks to all who made it such a wonderful evening! 

Audio Recording

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For questions regarding upcoming events or the Christian Union New York City ministry, please email cunewyork@christianunion.org.