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Greetings from Harvard Law School! As we begin 2025, I want to take a moment to reflect...
December 19, 2018
A Christmas Concert; Calling Believers to a Ten-Day Fast in January; Look Forward to a Better Christmas; I'm Good, I Think...; Friday Night Lights; Everyone Believes in a Virgin Birth; Three Ways to Help Develop Christian Leaders and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
— John 1:14


A Christmas Concert

By Michael Card
From In the Studio with Michael Card
01 michael cardThose of you who are familiar with Michael Card's ministry know that, beyond his brilliance as a songwriter and musician, he is a gifted communicator and teacher. His truly profound, thought-provoking lyrics reflect his deep knowledge of, and love for, God and His Word. Beyond his music and teaching ministry, he now hosts a weekly podcast available on Apple iTunes and Google Play. Most episodes are discussions featuring an interesting guest, but this week he posted a Christmas Concert from 2015. As you seek new ways to reflect on the miracle of the Incarnation this week, allow the lyrics and songs from this show — plus Mike's insights — to inspire you to "give up on your pondering, and fall down on your knees."

Note: In both iTunes and Google play, the concert will be the top (December 17) link in the list of episodes.

Listen via iTunes now >
Listen via Google Play now >

Calling Believers to a Ten-Day Fast in January

From Christian Union Day & Night
Join fellow Christians across America in a ten-day fast (fasting from food). Participants will follow the example of men and women of Scripture who humbled themselves and called upon the Lord through fasting. Our country needs the spiritual renewal that only God can bring. May He hear our cry and answer.

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Look Forward to a Better Christmas

By Matt Chandler
From The Gospel Coalition
03 chandlerOn Thanksgiving day nine years ago, I had a seizure. That seizure revealed I had a tumor in my right frontal lobe of my brain. On December 4, surgeons cut out the tumor. I was 34 years old.

I awoke from surgery with some weakness on my left side. I was released from rehab on December 16 with a gnarly scar on my head, my hair starting to fall out, facing 18 months...

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I'm Good, I Think...

By Tucker Else
From ChristianUnion.org

I have a deep-seated fear that the people entrusted to me will hear from me an anti-Gospel of “Do better, try harder…just quit sinning and then everything will be okay!” The anti-Gospel is not particularly good news. It says “If you improve your behavior, then God will accept you.” The Gospel is something different than moralism...

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Friday Night Lights

By Tom Campisi
From Christian Union: The Magazine
05 brownChristian Union at Brown found a creative way to reach out to students caught up in the party scene. Late on a Friday night, Christian Union ministry fellows and students brought grills and burgers to Wayland Arch, located between Frat Row and a freshman dorm quad. The Christian Union at Brown team went to work, handing out about 150 sliders and bottles of water. One student, who was visibly drunk, exclaimed, “I should go to church.” She soon disappeared into a crowd, but she visited Christian Union’s information table later in the semester to learn more...

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Everyone Believes in a Virgin Birth

By Vince Vitale
From RZIM.org

In correspondence with an old friend, a retired Princeton University professor, he detailed his objections to the Christian faith. His final remark seemed to overshadow all other considerations and was authoritatively written as if to definitively close the argument: "Nor can I believe in a virgin birth." Such a belief was...

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Three Ways to Help Develop Christian Leaders

From ChristianUnion.org

Your gift to Christian Union by December 31 will encourage revival and reshape the future of this nation. Please Give >

Christmas shopping online? Access Amazon from smile.amazon.com and select Christian Union as your charity of choice to generate additional support for the ministry. Learn More >

If you are age 70½ or older, the IRA Charitable Rollover allows you to make a gift to Christian Union by directly distributing funds tax free from your individual retirement account. Learn More >

Prayer Requests

Pray that our students would complete their final exams and papers for the fall term with confidence and clarity. As many travel home to be with family and friends for the holiday break, pray for their safety and that the break will restore and renew their spirits. For those students who are unable to visit family during the break, pray that God’s presence would bring a sense of joy and peace.

It's easy to feel isolated in a large city like New York, especially during the holiday season, so please join us in praying for the lonely and disconnected in our cities this week. Pray for the restoration of family relationships, the strengthening of church communities, and for a revival of deep, authentic, friendships throughout New York and DC.


We praise God for the gift of His Son, Immanuel, God with us. Pray with us that many Americans will come to know and love Jesus this Christmas season. Pray that Christians will be bold and loving to share about God’s most precious gift to humankind.

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