Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
— Psalm 145:3-5
Yale Law School Discriminates Against Students Who Won't Surrender to the Moral Revolution

Listen to (or read) Dr. Mohler's take, from The Briefing >
Dartmouth Football Players Develop Spiritual Brotherhood
By Catherine ElvyFrom ChristianUnion.org
Three Dartmouth football players, Brandon Hester, Andrew Hunnicutt, and Nathan Nunez, are sharing a game plan for life with teammates via Christian Union’s ministry. The upperclassmen encourage Big Green players to attend weekly Bible courses and receive Christian leadership development. “We’ve been adding to that group every year,” said Nunez ’19.
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What is the Gospel?
By Tucker ElseFrom ChristianUnion.org

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A Book that Will Transform Your Evangelism
By Don CarsonFrom The Gospel Coalition
"We’ve always known that there are parts of the world where missionaries undertake their work in the teeth of opposition — opposition that is sometimes cultural, sometimes judicial. At home, however, we didn’t deploy missionaries; we deployed pastors and evangelists. But as the folk song puts it, 'The times they are a-changin’," writes Don Carson, in his forward to a new book by Elliot Clark called Evangelism as Exiles: Life on Mission as Strangers in Our Own Land.
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Medical Journal Publishes Study Showing Prayer Healed Teenager of a Chronic Illness
By Scott Slayton
From ChristianHeadlines.com

Read the Story Highlights >
Read the Actual Case Study >
Prayer Requests
Pray that our students will take their growing knowledge of God and His Word and add bold faith in their walk. As we approach the season celebrating Christ's resurrection, may their boldness to share the truth about Jesus with their friends, family, and fellow students bring a great harvest of souls into the kingdom.
Please pray with us for the finance industry and the role it plays in the flourishing of all. Pray for godly men and women to serve with faithfulness, courage, and farsightedness to shape a vocation that affects believers and non-believers alike. Pray for those in this industry to walk uprightly and righteously, and for them to speak and live the gospel in all its fullness each day.
Pray for God to arise as our Deliverer. As the US becomes more and more godless, it is apparent that only God can turn the hearts of Americans back to Him. The Church has been powerless to expand the kingdom in our nation. We need the power of the Spirit of God to consume all of us who follow Christ. Pray for Day and Night to be used by God for the answering of these prayers.
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