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January 11, 2022

A Podcast on Faith + Work  

Though American Christians once lived in a culture that was infused with Christian morals and understandings of reality, American culture today is the least Christian our nation has ever seen, forcing believers and the Church to reconsider how they might embody and share the Gospel in their unique spheres of influence.

Theologian Lesslie Newbigin argues that before this shift, churches operated primarily as loosely compacted fellowships that could focus on primarily religious concerns. Today, therefore, the church must think critically about how it can equip and disciple its people who spend most of their days and weeks surrounded by a culture that rejects Christian beliefs. 

New York City, United States - May 13, 2017: Interior of The Guggenheim Museum.

In this podcast from How to Reach the West Again from Redeemer City to City, Missy Wallace, Executive Director of Global Faith and Work Initiative and theologian, Makoto Fujimura, discuss how Christians might live out a faithful presence in the public sphere. 

Rather than be defensive against culture, withdrawing from culture, or assimilating to culture, Christians must seek to live in our culture with a faithful presence.

As Wallace notes, a Gallup survey proved that in spite of radical differences between socioeconomic class, race, and region, humans across the world care more about their work than anything else.

Where 30 years ago, the same survey would have shown that humans are most interested in love, security, money, food, and relationships, today, humans primarily define themselves by their work. This means that when churches seek to teach people about how to live out their faithful presence in our culture, we ought to consider how to bring biblical frameworks into the workplace. 

Christian Union's mission is to develop Christian leaders who will take their faith into their places of influence with boldness and joy. From teaching rigorous Bible courses to university students to connecting professionals in major cities with mentors, Christian Union is ensuring that believers across the country are equipped to bring a faithful Christian presence into their workplaces. 

Listen to the podcast here.

Learn more about Christian Union's mission and vision in this five minute video.