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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
June 1, 2019

Students Step out to Lead Prayer Meetings

God entrusts His precious seconds, minutes, and hours to each of us. But how can we best use them? This semester two Cornellians who are active in Christian Union prioritized one day each week as God’s day. In those twenty-four hours, they rested from their studies, engaged in fellowship with other believers, and spearheaded an initiative to untangle what biblical rest and the Sabbath really mean.
  God entrusts His precious seconds, minutes, and hours to each of us. But how can we best use them? This semester two Cornellians who are active in Christian Union prioritized one day each week as God’s day. In those twenty-four hours, they rested from their studies, engaged in fellowship with other believers, and spearheaded an initiative to untangle what biblical rest and the Sabbath really mean. Meet Klaudia Kokoszka and Alanna Staffin. Kokoszka is a junior economics and government transfer from Rutgers University and a relatively new Christian. In one short year, she has undergone a transformation; the Lord has given her an insatiable desire to understand His Word and share its love-infused message. Staffin, a leader with Christian Union’s ministry, is a graduating dairy science major.

June 1, 2019

Richards ’19 Is Poised for a Medical Career  

In turn, Gross noted how Richards has advanced in her engagement with the Bible and pursuit of the Lord. “Throughout the semesters, and with various hurdles to overcome, Denay has always welcomed conversations that would challenge her ability to love God sincerely, love people, and forgive,” said Gross. “From the first day of meeting Denay until now, I can say, it has been my honor to witness the saving grace of our Father in her life.” 
A Princeton University senior is jumpstarting a career centered around public service. After arriving at Princeton, Denay Richards ’19 discovered a passion for volunteer initiatives, especially those on behalf of disadvantaged youngsters. “Community service is a key part of who I am and part of my mission as a Christian,” she said. The Caribbean native also is majoring in molecular biology in preparation for a medical career, most likely in cardiothoracic surgery. Richards envisions herself participating in regular medical missions, especially to her native St. Lucia and other underserved countries.

June 1, 2019

Whiteman ’19 Has Draft Aspirations

As his team’s renown continues to increase, Whiteman paused to credit the mentorship he receives from Christian Union’s ministry at Yale for strengthening his leadership skills and spirituality.  The ministry has offered the infielder Christian leadership training via its Bible courses, weekly lectures series, and other resources. “It has become an invaluable source of grace,” said Whiteman. 
As captain of Yale University’s baseball team, Simon Whiteman is grateful for the opportunities his position has afforded him to add new chapters to the team’s rich history. Especially memorable have been the recent events that contributed to a “really big fall for our program,” said Whiteman ’19.   In late November, the team was in the spotlight as the nation mourned the death of one of its former captains, President George H.W. Bush, ’48. Weeks earlier, Yale baseball alumnus Mike Elias ’06 was named as the executive vice president and general manager of the Baltimore Orioles.

May 23, 2019
Vocation and the Kingdom of God; Harvard Betrays a Law Professor — and Itself; Congratulations, Graduates!; The Spirit-Filled Life; Alabama's Challenge and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.— Col 3:1-4

May 20, 2019

Forum with David Skeel

Christian Union New York was excited to hold its first Forum of the year on Monday, May 20. The night’s speaker was David Skeel, S. Samuel Arsht Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Drawing on his wide range of expertise, Professor Skeel spoke to the audience, not on bankruptcy law, but on an approach to apologetics fit for our postmodern era.

May 17, 2019

Giving Thanks for Extraordinary Students

Director of Marketing and Communications In May and June, Christian Union is celebrating the cherished members of the graduating Class of 2019 at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. At end-of-year banquets held in their honor, students involved with Christian Union donned formal attire and enjoyed evenings of remembrance and celebration of their beloved seniors. As they dined, many seniors rose to share memories and thanksgiving for the way God has worked in their lives. Seniors graduating from Harvard

May 12, 2019

Princeton Christians Intercede with Students Across the Nation 

  On February 28, students from Princeton University participated in the Collegiate Day of Prayer. Held annually on the last Thursday of February, the Collegiate Day of Prayer organization seeks to impact the next generation spiritually, encouraging all to pray for the students at our nation’s campuses.   Participating ministries at Princeton included: Princeton Christian Fellowship, Worship House, Manna Christian Fellowship, and Christian Union. Each ministry adopted a residential college, which is Princeton’s system for housing and dining for underclassmen. Then, they prayed for the students of that college. This model of praying for specific institutions also mirrors the overall model of the nationwide initiative, where entire campuses are adopted by organizations and individuals.

May 11, 2019

Students Glorify God in Off-Campus Community 

  There are certainly plenty of groups of college men who choose to live together. But the men of the “ManS1on” at the 20 South 39th Street apartments in Philadelphia are not bonded by a love of FIFA or beer, or even a major or club they have in common. They are bonded by a commitment to serve God in community—and by a constitution.   Members of Penn’s ManS1on are committed to live in community, serve one another, and challenge each other to faithfully follow Christ.  In 2010, six University of Pennsylvania students involved with Penn Cru founded an off-campus community specifically for Christian men. Since then, the group has doubled in size and now includes Penn students who are involved in various ministries on campus and churches.

May 10, 2019

Croston ’81 Is a National Director for Lifeway Resources 

  University of Pennsylvania alumnus is using his dynamic ministerial skills to help pastors thrive as they meet the needs of African-American congregants. Mark Croston ’81 serves as national director for Black and Western Church Partnerships of LifeWay Christian Resources. The Tennessee-based organization ranks among the world’s top Christian resource providers, though it recently announced plans to shift from brick and mortar stores to online operations. LifeWay, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, continues to stock major retailers with inspirational materials.' In 2013, Croston left a lengthy pastoral career to join the LifeWay team, where he heads efforts to support and resource African-American churches.  

May 9, 2019
Suffering: God's Workroom of Grace; Texts-4-Toasties at Harvard; Righteousness and Compassion; Are Christians Privileged or Persecuted?; The Growth of Christianity in Africa; You are Invited and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?— Psalm 27:1

May 9, 2019

Breakfast with N.T. Wright

On Thursday, 9 May, Christian Union New York was delighted to host Professor N.T. Wright for a breakfast discussion on Vocation and the Kingdom of God. Drawing from his Gifford Lectures (delivered at the University of Aberdeen in 2018) and ideas penned in several of his books (primarily Surprised by Hope and Simply Christian), Professor Wright gave an insightful call to all Christians to advance the Kingdom of God through our vocations by enacting justice, creating beauty and “standing at the dangerous intersection of Heaven and Earth.”  

May 9, 2019

Kennedy School Professor Recalls being Surprised by Grace     

  Editor’s note: The following story was reprinted with permission from The Veritas Forum (www.veritas.org).   Harvard University is special for me because it is where I first came to know Jesus Christ. Perhaps this should not be surprising. Harvard is a place that reveres truth (Veritas), and Jesus says He is the truth. But most people when they hear this about me are surprised, since they see the university as a secular place. Let me share my story and a few of the surprises it has entailed.

May 8, 2019

Symposium Explores Arguments for Virtue, Chastity, and Sexual Ethics

  The Harvard Anscombe Society recently paid tribute to the the remarkable contributions of its namesake while celebrating the 100th anniversary of her birth. In March, about 50 students, alumni, and other associates attended the 2019 Harvard Anscombe Symposium to honor the life of British intellect Gertrude Elizabeth Anscombe. At the gathering on March 16 in Adams House, participants explored Anscombe’s writings on the philosophy of mind, action, and intention, plus her modern arguments on behalf of virtue, chastity, and sexual ethics. In March, the Harvard Anscombe Society celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of its namesake.

May 7, 2019

Salon with Paul Glader

Twenty-four attendees gathered on Tuesday night to hear from Paul Glader at Christian Union New York’s latest salon. Glader, Associate Professor of Journalism, Media and Entrepreneurship at The King's College, spoke on God and the Newsroom, highlighting both the current tensions between the media and religion and the potential that exists for a mutually beneficial relationship.

May 7, 2019

Esteemed TV Host Gave ’02 Commencement Address 

  For nearly 35 years, Fred Rogers invited young viewers to be part of his neighborhood. An upcoming film from Sony Pictures will take a closer look at the kindness behind the life of the beloved children’s television host who attended Dartmouth College for two years before transferring to Rollins College. Dartmouth awarded Rogers an honorary degree in 2002 when he gave the commencement address. An upcoming film from Sony Pictures will highlight the life of Fred Rogers, the iconic children’s television host. 

May 6, 2019

Local Ministries, Musicians Unite for Worthy ’19

Loud echoes of worship could be heard from Barnes Hall on Saturday, March 9, as a crowd gathered for Worthy ’19, a campus and community-wide effort that drew musicians, singers, artists, and performers from Cornell University, Ithaca College, local churches, and community organizations during the Lent season. Jazz musician and visiting lecturer Joe Salzano organized the unique, multimedia worship night. This year’s event, titled “Song of Salvation,” featured a mini-orchestra, a brass ensemble, members of Christian Union and Cru’s worship teams, and two of Cornell’s a cappella groups: Measureless A Cappella and Baraka Kwa Wimbo Gospel Ensemble. The event was sponsored by Campus On A Hill, Cornell Worship Workshop, and the Cornell Department of Music and was well attended by students. 

May 6, 2019
MINISTRY DIRECTOR CHRISTIAN UNION NEW YORK & Christian Union Washington, DC Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.” - Jonah 1:1, 2 "The Trinity," Andrei Rublev (1370-1430), Moscow, Russia   This passage shows God’s righteousness and compassion entwined throughout Scripture.  God acknowledges Ninevah’s dignity (“that great city”) and seeks its repentance. God sees Ninevah’s great evil and is angered and saddened by it. From this passage we see that:A. Compassion requires a recognition of who we are: both our depravity and our dignity.  Our tendency, however,

May 5, 2019

Veritas Forum Features Volf, Dean of Students    

  In March, the Veritas Forum at Cornell University posed the question Can Truth and Tolerance Co-Exist?   Dr. Miroslav Volf, director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, and Dr. Vijay Pendakur, Dean of Students at Cornell, addressed  that imposing inquiry, while Dr. Ludmilla Aristilde, an associate professor in the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, facilitated the discussion. Dr. Miroslav Volf, director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture (right), and Vijay Pendakur, Cornell Dean of Students, tackled the question of whether truth and tolerance can co-exist.

May 4, 2019

Tam Smith ’09 Is Helping to Break the Cycle of Poverty

  A Columbia University alumna is proving that a business model that uplifts those who feel unworthy and overlooked can operate sustainably at the intersection of compassion, good food, and God’s love. “Think of the worst thing you’ve ever done in your life and being forever known for that,” says April Tam Smith, as she explains why P.S. Kitchen, the restaurant she founded in Manhattan, gives those marginalized by their past a new beginning. The people whom Smith has chosen to serve and rehabilitate are often treated like afterthoughts, but P.S. Kitchen wants to make them feel as valued as they are in God's sight. 

May 3, 2019

Keeping in Step with the Spirit of the Crucified Son

How do I know when the Holy Spirit is active and present in my life? What must I do to engage in the Spirit-filled life? What sorts of criteria may I employ to recognize and discern the leading of the Spirit as I follow Jesus in faith? Such questions are no less crucial for being so prevalent among earnest Christians who desire to please the Lord and experience His grace in power.Throughout the New Testament an unbreakable, indelible link connects the cross-shaped story of Jesus for the people of God to the empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the people of God.