To End the Killing of Babies, We Need a Loving Revolution
"Jesus Stood Up for Children"
The killing of babies has had a place in our world for centuries. From abandoning newborns with deformities to killing female babies, each culture has had its own reasons for ignoring their personhood and allowing for lives to be discarded. Even today, in nations like India and China, female babies are regularly aborted or killed in favor of males, leaving a drastic gender gap in the population.
Christian Union Book Recommendations for 2022
From New Releases to Classics
Everyone needs a good book on hand. To help you decide where to start in the new year, Christian Union ministry faculty and staff have put together a recommended booklist for 2022. Ranging from new releases to old classics, there is sure to be something that will bless and challenge you this year. Take a look!
New Ministry Fellow Is Excited to Be Stationed at Penn
Caitlin Vera Is a Former Marine
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Caitlin Vera didn’t have ministry on her mind when she left home to join the Marines. The eighteen-year-old enrolled in the service as a way to leave a small, rural town and be part of something bigger than herself.
“Where Is God in the Movies?”
Columbia and Penn Alumni Discuss Films
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Alumni from Columbia and Penn gathered in person and virtually to discuss religious themes in film. Spearheaded by Columbia alumnus Stephen Cone ’20, who was a Film and Media Studies major, the alumni recently gathered at the CU Lumine Ministry Center on the day of the Columbia vs. Penn football game for the discussion entitled, “Where Is God in the Movies?”
Penn Ministry Director Has Passion for Developing Transformative Leaders
Lotspeich, a Former Marine, Is Hungry for Revival
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Christian Union’s new ministry director at Penn wants to change the world. Though many would scoff at such ambitions, former Marine Cory Lotspeich recognizes the immense potential of developing leaders at an institution like the University of Pennsylvania.
A Seeking God Lifestyle Seminar for Students
Christian Union Event Inspires Young Leaders
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
Students with Christian Union ministries at some of the nation’s most influential universities gathered virtually last spring for a Seeking God Lifestyle Seminar. For eight evenings, attendees heard inspiring teaching on topics ranging from repentance to revival, gathered in cohorts, and sought to draw closer to the Lord.
The Stillness Our Soul Craves
Discovering the Beauty of Hesuchía
By Avery Johnston, Penn ’23
Editor’s note: The following article was reprinted with permission from The Penn Epistle, “a Christian journal at the University of Pennsylvania dedicated to sharing the words of Christ’s followers.” The author, Avery Johnston, is a student leader with CU Martus, Christian Union’s leadership development ministry at the University of Pennsylvania.
Humbly Serving the Homeless
CU Martus Leader Earns Prestigious Fellowship at Penn
By Tom Campisi and Fuji Kim
Michael Hagan is one of eight undergraduates in the inaugural class of fellows for the University of Pennsylvania’s new Office of Social Equity and Community.
“University-Sponsored Hate Speech”
Penn Professor, Yale Lecturer Make Shocking Statements
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
This spring, two academic seminars with ties to Ivy League universities came under fire for incendiary comments regarding race. A University of Pennsylvania professor said white evangelicals are racists who “may end up killing us all,” while a guest lecturer at the Yale School of Medicine expressed frustration with the national dialogue by saying she had fantasies about shooting white people.
How I Found Christian Community at a Shake Shack
“CU Martus Made a Profound Impact”
By Emily Solomon, Penn ’21
Someone recently asked me the best way to find community when arriving on campus for the first time. I thought about this question a lot before I first came to Penn as well. Would I be able to find a Christian community at an Ivy League university? Would I be able to grow in my faith, or would secular thought extinguish it?
Student Spotlight: Noah McQueen
UPenn Class of 2021
Throughout Noah's freshman and sophmore year at UPenn, he pursued his dream of becoming a fighter pilot. However, in the spring of his senior year he received devastating news that he was medically disqualified to fly due to a minor health issue. The first person he called was a fellow Christian Union Bible Course member followed by his Bible Course leader.Astronaut Monastery
Christian Union Alumnus Founds NYC Design Studio
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Strategy is the name of the game for Cody Min, the founder of Astronaut Monastery, a creative studio operating out of New York City.
With the tagline of “Making work that thinks and thinking that works,” Min, the company’s head of new business and strategy, has created a sleek and successful firm serving clients like Hyundai, the popstar Kesha, Cole Haan, Rowing Blazers, Disney-ABC, Samsung, and Uniqlo. Min’s creative work today is deeply rooted in his faith, which was cultivated through the ministry of CU Martus (formerly called Penn Faith and Action or PennFA).
Penn Virtual Reunion 2021
Christian Union Event on May 14, 2021
Thanks for joining Christian Union Martus (University of Pennsylvania) at 4:00 PM EST for a virtual reunion. Christian Union Martus invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event. Christian Union Martus invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event.Student Spotlight: Ethan Chaffee
University of Pennsylvania
Ethan is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania and he has been involved in Christian Union since his freshman year. Arriving on campus as a self-described young Christian, the ministry encouraged and challenged him to deepen his faith."I understand so much more of who God is, but I have still so much more to learn and that just would not have been possible without God working through Christian Union." -Ethan Chaffee, University of Pennsylvania '20In this Student Spotlight video, Ethan describes the impact Christian Union has had on his walk with the Lord throughout the past four years.
To learn more about Christian Union Martus at the University of Pennsylvania, click here.
Penn's Faith and Action Podcast
Watt ’22 Is a Gracious Host and Leader
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
The extraordinary leadership of Caleb Watt has helped Christian Union Martus stay connected and in community for the last year, especially during the uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic at the University of Pennsylvania.
Prayer and the Pandemic
Student Leaders Mobilize Online Initiative
Slack. Zoom. Pray. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the University of Pennsylvania moved classes online, members of Martus, Christian Union’s ministry on campus, swiftly leveraged digital and social media tools to create a sacred space for remaining close to God and each other.

Ministry Director Tucker Else reading Scripture with students weeks prior to the pandemic
Zooming In
Christian Union Faculty Transitions to Online Ministry During Pandemic
by tom campisi, managing editor
In the blink of an eye, the collegiate academic year was relegated to online courses due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March. No campus life. No spring sports or activities. No May commencement.
In the midst of the chaos, Christian Union Universities transitioned to an online ministry—Bible courses, Leadership Lecture Series, and mentoring sessions were hosted online via Zoom and other portals. Ministry Fellows were there to provide continuity by shepherding students and offering counsel to those grieving over what was lost.
A New Identity
Seniors Help Launch Program for Homeless
by anne kerhoulas, staff writer
Becoming a follower of Christ during college was not part of the plan. But for Penn senior Steffen Cornwell, finding community in Christian Union Martas reoriented his vision for his future. Part of the prestigious Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology,Cornwell has taken a newfound interest in social entrepreneurship and spearheaded a program that allows individuals experiencing homelessness to store important personal identification documents in a secure website.
Virtual Penn Reunion 2020
May 16, 2020

Christian Union Martus, Christian Union's ministry at Penn hosted a virtual reunion on May 16, 2020 at 4:00 PM EST.Christian Union Martus invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event. Participants had the opportunity to connect with other Christian alumni, visit with current students, and meet the Christian Union ministry faculty and staff.
Thanks for joining us for a time to connect and encourage one another during this unique time in our nation's history.
Learn More
For questions about the Christian Union Martus reunion hosted by Christian Union, contact Christian Union's VP of Alumni Engagement Christine Foster:
Campus Kindness
Students Warm Locust Walk with Cider Outreach
by eileen scott, contributing writer
Christian Union at the University of Pennsylvania put “campus kindness” into action this fall by giving away hot cider to students on their way to class on Locust Walk, a centrally located pathway. There were no strings attached to receive the hot beverage. Yet, if students chose to sip their drink and discuss faith, leaders were there to engage. The outreach was part of the ministry’s on-going campus kindness effort, which also includes book giveaways and welcoming bags for freshmen.