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A Prayer and Fasting Devotional

O LORD, my heart is not lifted up;
my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things
too great and too marvelous for me.
But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, hope in the LORD
from this time forth and forevermore.
- Psalm 131  

BrainSo often my inner self is noisy like a hungry infant, ever fussy until my demands are met. I have so many desires and wants, and I am fearful and anxious that they will not be met.

A weaned child, however, is composed. While he once, fretfully and impatiently, demanded immediate feeding, he now has patience and trust that his needs will be met in due time. He is not focused solely on his instant gratification, and his craving for what once gave him anxiety has now ceased, and he is able to sit quietly upon his mother’s lap.

What does the process of weaning look like for Christians with much inner noise?

David Powlison writes, “Only one thing is strong enough to overpower and slay unruly cravings and a stormy life: what God promises to do in and through Jesus Christ.”

God promises to put to death our sinful desires and raise us anew in His Son. Our deepest craving to be “lifted up” and significant is fulfilled in that God’s willingness to send His Son to the cross for our sakes assures us of our significance to Him. Our longing to be occupied with things great and marvelous is supplanted with a longing to simply do God’s will.

King David describes his soul as being like that of a weaned child with his mother. His exhortation for Israel to have the inner poise that he has is simple: hope in the Lord. When we hope in the Lord, our fleshly cravings cease, and we trust that He will sustain us and not forsake us. We hope in His good character and His ability to redeem all that sin has corrupted. Knowing our lack and His power melts away our willful pride and humbles our haughty gaze. When are we quiet and composed before Him? When we trust that He can and shall accomplish all his holy will and when our wills are aligned with His will.

Ava Ligh
Ministry Fellow at Columbia