A Prayer and Fasting Devotional

O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent?
Who shall dwell on your holy hill?
He who walks blamelessly and does what is right
and speaks truth in his heart;
-Psalm 15: 1, 2
David begins with a question: Who can dwell with God? The answer, echoed in many different ways throughout the Psalm, is summed up in verse 2: the blameless person — one who walks in faithful, holy obedience to God. As the apostle Paul says in Romans 7: 24-25a, “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Maybe, wretched feels more apt than blameless, but we declare with Paul, “Thanks be to God”! He has rescued us in Jesus and saved us to walk in newness of life in Him. Amen!
David’s question and response in this passage are not to be neglected or ignored. Instead, Psalm 15 shines light on what it means to walk in newness of life in Christ. Slander, evil, and bribery do not typify someone who is walking with God and seeking to dwell with Him. If we are living life in light of the fact that Jesus is King, we must value truth. If we believe that God will one day make all things new, we must value fearing the Lord. What we believe should impact how we live.
Today, spend some time in reflection, confession, and repentance before the Lord. Meditate on His word. Ask the Lord to reveal places where you have not spoken truth in your heart. Confess that before Him, and believe that He forgives and is continuing a work in you.
Take some time to praise God for His goodness. In light of our sin, we, like Paul, should erupt in thanksgiving to God for the gift of His Son. We should be thankful for His faithfulness in revealing sin, and we should be thankful that we will dwell with God, free from sin and death. Thanks be to Him.
Rachel Suarez
Ministry Fellow at Princeton