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Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

The Lord hasn’t stopped working, and neither have we here at Christian Union Vox at Dartmouth! As always in ministry work, our urgency remains undiminished. Jesus tells us in John 9:4 that “We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned to us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work.” If even Jesus, with all the resources of the Godhead at His disposal, felt urgency, how much more must we as we look out upon this lost and dying world! May we continue to have faith, rely on His grace, and work hard.

This past January, we had the pleasure of sending eight students down to New York City to attend the Gospel of the Kingdom Conference with Ken Fish. The theme was “Deliverance from Witchcraft”. It was amazing to be able to send so many to receive teaching on such an important subject, especially one that has so little good teaching around it.

We also got to participate in a student led inter-fellowship event where all the Christian groups gathered together to lift up the name of Jesus on the campus. The worship, led by Christian Union’s Nicolas Halverson (among others), was extremely powerful! God is tugging at the hearts of Dartmouth students.

At our Friday night leadership lecture series (“The Vine”), we have been fortunate enough to hear so far from a selection of local pastors on various theological subjects as well as a local Representative. Our ministry offices continue to be a haven for students to stay warm, study, and be encouraged in their faith. I continue to be delighted by how God is working, bringing in new students to connect, to receive counsel, or just to spend time in God’s presence in our prayer room.

As we move toward spring break, please pray for the campus for continued protection for students’ mental health during exams and the end of winter, and that CU would be a place of blessing, health, and connection through the power of the Spirit.

May God bless you as you do his work.

In Christ,

Timothy Pillsbury
Ministry Director, Christian Union Vox
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Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Dartmouth, please email prayer@christianunion.org.