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“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? ...”. - Isaiah 43:19a

Depending on where you reside, it may start to look and even, smell, like... well, Spring!? If you live in the Northeast, it’s definitely does not look nor smell like anything but the dead of winter. But, I digress. The wonderful thing about the seasons is that whether you like it or not, they are inevitable. Seasons change. From the “deadness of winter” we will most inevitably move into a season of new life, or Spring.

I believe with all of my heart that God is doing an exciting and “new thing” in the Harvard community, and more specifically, in the Law School. “Do you not perceive it?” It was just announced a few weeks ago that HLS will be launching a new program in the Fall, Biblical Law and Christian Legal Studies. There are exciting new Bible studies, small groups, and ministry initiatives that I’m hearing about throughout the campus. God is doing a new thing, and I want to have the type of eyes and heart to behold all that He is doing.

We have to believe that the LORD wants to do amazing things. So, I say we should expect great things, in so doing, attempt great things for His sake. This month, we will be kicking off our first Bible study of the year through the book of Nehemiah. It is a fantastic study into the heart of a transformative leader, who was neither prophet or priest. Some would argue that he was just a leader who made himself available to the Lord. We are expecting about 15-20 students for this study, spanning Harvard Law School (HLS), Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

God is doing a new thing.

Here are a few prayer points for this month:

  • Pray that our Nehemiah study will be a great introduction into the Word of God for many new students, believers and not!
  • We are seeking to become an official Student Organization at HLS in the coming year and are currently working towards having the discussions that will help us in accomplishing this! May God’s favor be upon us.
  • Pray for the Air Force Academy graduates that just started at the HKS and MIT. Six young men who are new to their faith in Christ, who reached out for community, and most importantly, discipleship!
  • Several of our HLS students are being bold in their conversations about Christ with their fellow students, and they are inviting them to the Nehemiah study. Please pray that those relationships will lead to opportunities for life-changing conversations about Christ.
  • New students will be visiting the HLS campus in the early part of April. Pray for our opportunities to connect with them on a personal level, so that we could help them transition well into the HLS community of faith!

It’s cold here in Boston. But God is doing a new thing. I can smell “Spring” in the air, as I perceive something great that’s about to happen. In the midst of this season, we want to attempt GREAT things for our GREAT GOD.

Thank you for your continuing support! You are such a critical part of what is happening here.

Justin Yim
Ministry Director
Christian Union at Harvard Law School

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Harvard Law School, please email prayer@christianunion.org.