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As long as serving God fit into Jonah’s goals for Israel, he was fine with God. As soon as he had to choose between the true God and the god he actually worshiped, he turned on the true God in anger. Jonah’s particular national identity was more foundational to his self-worth than his role as a servant of the God of all nations. The real God had been just a means to an end. He was using God to serve his real god.
-Tim Keller, The Prodigal Prophet

Greetings from Cambridge,

Jonah is a fascinating read to say the least. This summer, over twenty students have immersed themselves in a Wednesday night bible study as staff and alumni have passed the teaching baton and led some interesting and challenging discussions. The prophet’s identity and idolatry issues at first seemed foreign and obtuse to us; but as we have lingered over the text we have begun to see ourselves and recognize our own distorted proclivities. Thankfully, the true protagonist emerges, and God’s very person and character takes center stage.

As always we covet your prayers:

  • Please pray for Christine Shin as she follows the Lord’s leading into a new work. She has served faithfully and beautifully with Christian Union as a ministry fellow at Harvard for over four years. She will be sorely missed.

  • Pray also please for Mattia Mahmoud, Allen Lai, Ana Yee, and Josh Mathews as they give leadership to HCFA. As an executive team they are wholehearted, empathetic, strategic and smart. They are also restless with a holy kind of
    discontent. Pray that God continues to pour out his grace and fill them with love and wisdom.

  • Harvard’s incoming Class of 2023. Pray for hearts and minds, that the students would be prepared to encounter Jesus Christ in a powerful way upon arriving on campus.

Gratefully in Christ,

Don Weiss
Ministry Director
Harvard College Faith and Action 

on behalf of the CU Staff Team at Harvard

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Harvard, please email prayer@christianunion.org.