Dr. Garth Rosell spoke at the Ivy League Congress of Faith and Action seminar.(1:27:58)
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in the window below: Many centuries ago, God gave a vision of “dry bones” to the Prophet Ezekiel and asked him an important question: “Can these bones live again?” It is a question that confronts each of us too. Is spiritual renewal really possible? Can the “dry bones” of our own lives and institutions be truly revived? Can old structures be given new life and hope? If you, like hundreds of students throughout New England, yearn to see a fresh outpouring of spiritual awakening on our region and throughout the world, then this seminar is the place for you.
About Dr. Rosell
Dr. Garth M. Rosell is professor of Church History at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Before Gordon-Conwell, Dr. Rosell taught church history at Bethel Theological Seminary, and previously served at Gordon-Conwell as Dean of the Seminary and Vice-President for Academic affairs. His publications include The Surprising Work of God: Harold John Ockenga, Billy Graham and the Rebirth of Evangelicalism; The Memoirs of Charles G. Finney: The Complete Restored Text, which he coedited; Commending the Faith: The Preaching of D. L. Moody; American Christianity, which he edited with Ronald C. White, Jr., and Louis B. Weeks; The Evangelical Landscape; and Shoe-Leather Faith, a volume he edited with his father. Dr. Rosell completed the Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy at Wheaton College, the Master of Divinity and the Master of Theology degrees at Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Rosell has ministered in local congregations and is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He lives in Wenham, Massachusetts, with his wife, Jane.