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The fall semester has begun here at Brown University and we’re well into our Freshman Welcoming Campaign (our effort to love, serve and welcome freshmen into our community during the first four weeks of the semester). It’s been a flurry of events, conversations and the beginning of our normal rhythms of ministry. There’s so much I could share, but I wanted to briefly share one story. Back in the summer, we as a staff were asking the question, “how can we best meet and serve first year students who wouldn’t normally just walk into one of our Bible studies or weekly large-group gathering we call Anchor?” The answer we came up with was to grill and serve sliders (mini-burgers) on campus during the first big party night of the semester. So, on September 7 at 10:30PM, a bunch of upperclassmen, along with Gianna Uson, our intern this year, Laurel Copp, Ministry Fellow, and I, carried a few grills, 150 slider patties, buns and bottles of water all the way down to the southern part of campus, that around here we call Wayland Arch. It’s strategically placed between “frat row” and the other freshman dorm quad where hundreds of partying freshmen passed regularly. As soon as we found our spot on the sidewalk, before we could even get set up, students were gathering around and asking what we were doing. By the time the first sliders were finished grilling, they were gone and in the hands of hungry students. In less than an hour and a half, we passed out all the sliders and waters. The students were beyond thankful for this practical act of love and many took note of who we were. We were able to have several conversations about why we were out there on a Friday night – how our faith in Jesus compelled us to love and serve our friends and neighbors. Gianna even had the opportunity to go to the hospital with a freshman girl who had too much to drink, caring for her by being the presence of Christ in the midst of brokenness.

There are so many other stories I could share, but hopefully this gives you a snapshot of what God is up to here on campus these first few weeks of the semester. Please be in prayer for us!

  • Pray that God’s Spirit would thrust us into more situations in which we could have deep, meaningful conversations about the gospel while meeting students’ practical needs.
  • Pray that freshmen would show up to our Bible Courses, Anchor and our Fall Retreat, which will be held the weekend of October 5-7.
  • Pray that we would be a welcoming community, inviting these first-year students into a fellowship centered on Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your continued love and support,

Justin Doyle
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Brown University

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Brown, please email prayer@christianunion.org.