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Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

I’m writing this on a snowy afternoon in late October! That’s not too out of the ordinary for us New Englanders, but an all-too-soon preview of the cold winter to come. CU Libertas gives thanks for all the Lord has done since students arrived on campus last month. Yet, the students and ministry faculty pray for even more! More hearts changed to desire Christ, more opportunities to share the gospel, more connections with interested students, and more normalcy in a semester that has been filled with everything but that. And as the weather turns cooler and cooler, we look forward to the unique opportunity of ministering to the Brown community during a rather abnormal holiday season.

Please pray that:

  • The Lord would give encouragement to our students as they deal with loneliness and isolation. The campus has eased Covid related restrictions since the beginning of the semester. But, many students still spend most of their days alone, dealing with Zoom call after Zoom call. Pray that all of our students, wherever they may be, will maintain life-giving relationships.
  • Ministry faculty would have days filled with personal discipleship meetings! Like everyone else, there are scheduling challenges as access to students isn’t as easy. These meetings are essential to our mission on campus, and crucial in forming deep, lasting relationships with the students.
  • The ministry would be successful in providing hospitality and encouragement to the many students who will celebrate Thanksgiving on campus, away from family and the comforts of home. Normally, CU Libertas hosts a large Thanksgiving dinner and encourages the students to invite their friends. Sadly, that is not possible this year, but the faculty and student leaders are determined to give the students a sense of the warmth and love they would otherwise experience in a Covid-free world. Pray that we will find creative opportunities for evangelism in the absence of that Thanksgiving dinner!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support! Your partnership is so deeply appreciated and the students and ministry faculty of CU Libertas are ever grateful for your help in sharing the love of Christ with the Brown University community.

In His Name,

Matt Woodard
CU Libertas Ministry Director

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Brown, please email prayer@christianunion.org.