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Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Thank you for your continued prayers for our faculty and students who are starting to return to campus! Classes resume the week of February 7 and we will launch our Bible courses the following week. We are excited to report that our students have continued to think creatively about how to do ministry and pursue Christian fellowship at Cornell during a pandemic. In addition to weekly Bible courses and prayer meetings, students have volunteered to lead social activities as well as a new student to student discipleship program during the spring semester.

With so many new students joining the ministry this year, discipleship groups of three to four meet weekly for Bible reading, mutual encouragement, and prayer as a great way for students to deepen their relationships with each other and the Lord. It is truly an answer to prayer to see our students, during this difficult year, think about others with a willingness to serve their friends and the Cornell community! The gospel is bearing fruit and we look forward to seeing God at work by his grace in the lives of our students again this semester. Thank you for all your support and prayers!

Please continue to pray:

  • For our freshmen, thanking God for them and praying they will continue to develop solid friendships and be encouraged by the ministry and the message of the gospel.
  • FFor our students, that they will keep Jesus first in their hearts and minds, confident in him as they prepare for a new semester, that God will bless them and strengthen them for their studies and activities, and their witness for Christ at Cornell.
  • For Cornell University, that the virus infection rate remains low, that revival would come with many coming to know and trust Christ for salvation, and for wisdom in planning the spring semester with respect to Covid.
  • For student leaders, that God will give them energy, creativity, and wisdom as they are ministers the gospel of Christ at Cornell, and that even more students would be willing to serve their friends and the Cornell community in the coming year.
  • For our faculty, that we would be strengthened by God’s Spirit to teach, mentor, lead and serve in ways that truly benefit our students and help them grow in their maturity and joy in Christ.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer for Cornell and the students of Christian Union Vita!

Jim Thomforde
Interim Ministry Director
Christian Union Vita

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Cornell, please email prayer@christianunion.org.