Serving Students at Stanford University
Justin Woyak
Christian Union Senior Ministry Fellow
In 2016, Justin and his wife Kate moved to California to help launch Christian Union’s ministry to Stanford students. Justin enjoys golf and pickle ball, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, audiobooks and boardgames, good food and time with his wonderful wife and their four kids—and seeking God!
Susan Brown
Christian Union Ministry FellowSusan grew up in California and can’t imagine living anywhere else. She came to faith at an early age and has sought out opportunities to grow and serve Jesus in her church and local community ever since.
Susan and her late husband, Garrett, the first Ministry Director for CU Caritas, were married for thirty years, serving side by side in different ministries on mission for God the entirety of their marriage. Over the past twenty-five years Susan has served in a wide range of ministry and leadership roles, including the nonprofit sector and the local public schools. She previously served as a volunteer Bible Course leader for Christian Union, helping to launch the very first women’s Bible Course at Stanford. She looks forward to being back on campus, spending time with students.
A graduate of Biola University, Susan enjoys travel, gardening, reading, baking and spending time with her three children and friends.