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Merry Christmas from Palo Alto!

As I write this, our students are in the final stretch of their fall quarter, laboring over exams and papers, counting the minutes until they can walk away from all of it for a few weeks. For busy students (as well as the rest of us) exerting so much energy and focus on finishing the task during this time of year can certainly take them out of the season of Advent—a season of expectation, waiting, and reflection. In light of this, how refreshing it was recently when one of our students led a prayer time on campus using the words of a great old Christmas hymn to focus our devotion and prayer:
Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Our prayers for our students, for their families, and for all our Christin Union partners are echoed in these words. May this season bring you freedom, rest, strength, hope, and joy! Join us in praying for Christian Union’s ministry to Stanford students in the following areas:

  • Pray for a fruitful and restful Christmas break
  • Pray for the impact of our recent outreach that personally reached 150 students
  • Pray for our student leaders as they take on more responsibility and ownership
  • Pray for the spiritual climate at Stanford, that Jesus would be sought after and honored
  • Pray for the health and peace of our ministry team, the Black, Brown, and Woyak families

May the Hope of all the earth be with you this Christmas!

Garrett Brown
Ministry Director

Christian Union Caritas
560 College Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work, please email prayer@christianunion.org.