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Christian Union
Happy New Year from Palo Alto!

College students often share a common blind spot that we all fall prey to: the tendency to think of life through a very narrow and individual filter. I don’t blame the students—the schools cultivate that brand of individualism, and we as a society certainly model it as well. So even as we draft our own personal goals and resolutions for the new year, allow me to offer some perspective from C.S. Lewis:

Man is not the center. God does not exist for the sake of man. Man does not exist
for his own sake… We were made not primarily that we may love God (though
we were made for that too) but that God may love us, that we may become objects
in which the Divine love may rest “well pleased.” (The Problem of Pain)

Teaching and modeling the supremacy of Christ and the centrality of God’s plan through the good news of his Son is our great calling and commission. We’ve had a chance to focus on the former through our fall studies with the students in Colossians, and we get to explore the latter this half of the year in Romans! Join us in prayer this season for the work on this campus:

  • Pray for strength and endurance as the students face the often more academically heavy winter quarter.
  • Pray for our ongoing Bible Courses, for community and fellowship to flourish through them.
  • Pray that our students grow an increasing burden to proclaim Jesus on this campus.
  • Pray for the health and fruitfulness of our CU team at Stanford: Abigail, Garrett, Jim, Justin, and Susan.

We remain grateful for your prayers and your partnership.

In Christ,

Garrett Brown
Ministry Director
Christian Union Caritas

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work, please email prayer@christianunion.org.