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Students from Dartmouth College deliver creatively combined portions of Scripture in a dramatic SpokenWord performance at Christian Union's Nexus 2019 conference. (4:38)

Students from Columbia University deliver creatively combined portions of Scripture in a dramatic SpokenWord performance at Christian Union's Nexus 2019 conference. (4:07)

Students from Stanford University deliver creatively combined portions of Scripture in a dramatic SpokenWord performance at Christian Union's Nexus 2019 conference. (5:26)

At the conclusion of Christian Union's Nexus 2019 SpokenWord competition the audience enjoyed the performance of Baraka Kwa Wimbo. Members are Cornell students: Iyaniwura Olarewaju, Maame Akosua Ohemeng-Tinyase, Maxine Nzewgwu, Rachel Mends, Kaitlyn Blake and Adaeze Okorie. (8:22)

Matt Bennett is founder and CEO of Christian Union. A native of Houston, Texas, Matt earned BS and MBA degrees from Cornell University and holds a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He worked for Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) at Princeton University for 12 years, and developed that ministry into one of the largest in the history of the Ivy League. In 2002, he founded Christian Union. The ministry has been featured in The New York Times, PBS, NPR, Christianity Today, and World Magazine. Matt resides in New York City.

Matt Bennett kicked off Christian's Union Nexus 2019 conference by inviting students to consider the example set by one of the kings of the Old Testament: Jehoshaphat. As a leader, Jehoshaphat "set his heart to seek God", was obedient to walk in God's ways, and was took bold initiative to lead his people to the Lord.

Matt emphasized the grace that God offers and urged students to take time with God to search their hearts. He asked: Does anything prevent you from being courageous in the ways of the LORD? (32:53)

Jimmy Lin, MD, PhD, MHS Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), Oncology at Natera Dr. Lin has devoted his life to beating cancer. His work in clinical research includes Johns Hopkins, Washington University in St. Louis, and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In addition, he has leveraged the technological advances in cancer to fight rare diseases as the Founder and President of the Rare Genomics Institute.

Here, he addresses college students about his faith in Jesus Christ and what it means to be 'courageous in the ways of the Lord'. Dr. Lin has published over 100+ papers, abstracts, and book chapters, in top academic journals, such as Science, Nature, Cell, Nature Genetics, Nature Medicine, Nature Biotechnology, Genome Research, and PNAS. He has presented at top scientific conferences and institutions including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, NCI/NIH, Vanderbilt, and Johns Hopkins. (41:58)

Eric Metaxas is the author of four New York Times Bestsellers, including the #1 Bestseller, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. He is host of the Eric Metaxas Show, a nationally-syndicated daily radio program in 120 cities. Metaxas was the keynote speaker at the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC.

His Dec. 25th, 2014 op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, titled "Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God," is unofficially the most popular and shared piece in the history of the Journal, garnering over 450,000 Facebook Likes and 8,000 comments. Metaxas is a Senior Fellow and Lecturer at Large for the King's College in New York City. (39:39)

Baroness (Caroline) Cox became a Life Peer in 1982 for her contributions to education and has served as a Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords from 1985 to 2005. Lady Cox now sits in the Lords as a crossbencher and is a frequent contributor to Lords debates on Sudan, India, Nigeria, Uganda, and Burma.

In addition to the areas above, she has also visited North Korea helping to promote Parliamentary initiatives and medical programs. Baroness Cox’s humanitarian aid work has taken her on many missions to conflict zones, allowing her to obtain first-hand evidence of the human rights violations and humanitarian needs. (27:35)

Fasting: Personal Torture or Connection with God?

On Wednesday February 27, Christian Union New York hosted a salon on the important, though not overly popular, spiritual discipline of fasting. With Lent commencing on March 6, this discussion, led by Professor Amy Davis Abdallah of Nyack College, explored the biblical underpinnings of fasting, best practices, and its connection to Lent. Over thirty attendees were present.


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The story of Anah discovering the hot springs in Genesis is probably one you didn’t hear as a kid. Christian Union Ministry Fellow Fady Ghobrial addresses undergraduates involved in Harvard College Faith & Action (an autonomous student organization at Harvard, supported and resourced by Christian Union) about this seemingly insignificant character. Find out what faithfulness in the little things looks like, why it is important to our life and calling, and how God rewards it! (27:15)

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