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Please pray for Christian Union's ministry at Brown.
Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Thank you so much for your support and partnership with us in advancing the gospel here at Brown. This has been an incredibly difficult year for the students, but we are filled with joyful anticipation for the fall. We expect campus to be fully open, with minimal restrictions, and are eager to greet incoming freshmen with our welcoming campaign in September.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

It’s summer here in Rhode Island, which means late afternoons at the local beaches and eating far too many lobster rolls! Normally, campus is far too quiet this time of year as most students return home or spend their days as interns or working in labs. This year is a bit different, as we’re excited to have freshmen on campus for their second semester. We continue preparations for the fall and eagerly await transitioning to normal programming in the fall. Thankfully, it appears that Brown will be fully vaccinated and campus activities can resume with few, if any, restrictions!

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Providence! On May 2, Brown held commencement exercises celebrating this year’s graduating class. It’s always hard to say goodbye to the seniors we’ve come to know so well and love so much. This year was certainly no exception, but we praise the Lord that students were able to walk in person with family in attendance. These students have demonstrated remarkable perseverance, maturity beyond their years, and an abundance of grace over the last two years. We’re excited to see where the Lord leads them in the years to come and feel so grateful for the privilege we’ve been given to walk beside them during their time here on campus.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Libertas at Brown University! We are so very grateful for your many prayers and financial support that make this ministry possible. As is the case every spring, time flies by quickly. Just this past weekend, we had the privilege of celebrating our graduating seniors as Brown hosted commencement ceremonies. We’re very thankful to have shared life with these wonderful young women and men over the last four years. They’ve worked so hard during their time here on campus and have resiliently faced the challenges and difficulties presented by Covid. I’m sure none of them even imagined their senior year would look like this, but despite it all, they’ve remained encouraging and loving toward their peers, and a pleasure for us to serve as ministry faculty.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Libertas! Thank you for continuing to pray for our students and our staff. Our students are in the midst of a very busy season, the home stretch before final exams begin. The weather has changed: the days are longer, the sun seems to shine brighter, and the temperatures are warmer. Students are using their breaks to hang out in the quad in socially distanced circles, of course! They continue to make use of the Judson Center for study, prayer, and personal discipleship meetings and we continue to meet on Zoom for Bible courses. Please pray:

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

There’s still snow on the ground here in Providence, but the days are getting a little longer and the temperatures creep higher with each passing day. Spring is right around the corner! During the month of February, CU Libertas has been busy welcoming freshmen to campus, hosting weekly Bible courses, and continuing the work of prayer and discipleship. God is up to big things and we have so much to be thankful for.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

January has been a cold and snowy month here in Providence! Fortunately, students have returned to campus and the quiet, still winter days have been livened by the long-anticipated arrival of this year’s freshman class. CU Libertas has used the month of January to begin planning for the spring semester. We recall how good the Lord has been to the ministry over the years, and eagerly await the good works yet to come as students settle in and classes begin.

Your prayers continue to make a difference! Restrictions still remain relatively tight on campus, but smaller classes have begun meeting in person and staff eagerly hopes in-person Bible courses can begin meeting shortly. Until then, Zoom calls and socially distanced 1-on-1 meetings enable the ministry to make a difference in the lives of students who desire to seek the Lord with all their being.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

This continues to be a most unusual year! Out of an abundance of caution, Brown decided to return students to campus in waves. Just recently, a second group of students moved back, while many more have chosen to study remotely this semester. In a normal year, we’d be sharing updates about our Leaders’ Retreat on the Cape, welcoming freshmen to dinners at the Judson Center, and giving away coffee on the Main Green. Nonetheless, we are thankful for those students who were able to return this semester and grateful for the technologies that enable us to move forward with online meetings!

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

We hope you’ve all had a wonderfully refreshing and blessed Thanksgiving! Here at Brown, the ministry has so much to be thankful for this semester. CU Libertas continues to see the Lord work in the hearts and minds of our students. Despite the difficulties we’ve all faced during this abnormal season, students are seeing the fruits of faith toughened by extenuating circumstances, they’re sharing the gospel in creative ways with family and friends, and they’re relying on one another through prayer and new expressions of communal bond.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

I’m writing this on a snowy afternoon in late October! That’s not too out of the ordinary for us New Englanders, but an all-too-soon preview of the cold winter to come. CU Libertas gives thanks for all the Lord has done since students arrived on campus last month. Yet, the students and ministry faculty pray for even more! More hearts changed to desire Christ, more opportunities to share the gospel, more connections with interested students, and more normalcy in a semester that has been filled with everything but that. And as the weather turns cooler and cooler, we look forward to the unique opportunity of ministering to the Brown community during a rather abnormal holiday season.