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Please pray for Christian Union's ministry at Brown.
Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

This continues to be a most unusual start to the semester! Out of an abundance of caution, Brown decided to return students to campus in waves. Just recently, the second group of students moved back, while many more have chosen to study remotely this semester. In a normal year, you would be hearing updates about our Leaders’ Retreat on the Cape, welcoming freshmen to dinners at the Judson Center, and CU Libertas students giving away coffee on the Main Green. Nonetheless, the ministry is thankful for those students who were able to return this semester and grateful for the technologies that enable us to move forward with online meetings!

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

We are so grateful for your prayers in this unusual season. Typically we would be beginning to have coffee with freshmen at Thayer Street restaurants and setting up shop at a table in Ratty or V-Dub, for our regular discipleship meetings with students.

Greetings from Providence,

We are grateful for a restful and joyful summer. As a staff, we feel energized and look forward to welcoming new freshmen to campus in just a few short weeks. We are also excited to announce the addition of Benjamin Pascut, our new men’s ministry fellow, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team!

Dear friends,

Please join our Christian Union at Brown community in praying for the following:


The spring semester is underway here at Brown University. Students have already made it through their first round of midterms as they work hard to prepare for the ones to come. I wanted to take a moment to highlight one story that has encouraged me during these beginning weeks of the semester.


All is quiet here on Brown’s campus. Students are still away for winter break but will soon return to begin the spring semester. Given the absence of students on campus, we don’t have much in the way of stories or updates, but would love if you would join us in praying for the following:


We’ve finished another semester here at Brown University. Students are finishing up final exams and heading home to be with family during the holidays. Just this last week, we celebrated the end of our semester studying Hebrews with a large, family-style dinner at the Judson Center (the ministry center here at Brown University) with students from our Bible Courses. The Judson Center was abuzz with chatter and laughter as we sat around the large dining room table enjoying one another and the God that has so graciously provided for us over the course of the semester, in these Bible Courses and so much more. It struck me, as we sat there eating and talking, how necessary it is to have Christian Union ministries at these universities. It is because of the love and generosity of so many folks, including you, that these students have a place to belong, a community in which to study God’s Word, to pray, and to witness to the larger Brown community. So, thank you for being a part of what God is doing here at Brown in transforming students’ lives for the sake of Christ’s name!


It’s hard to believe, but we’re nearing the end of the semester here at Brown University. Our Christian Union community has had a full past couple of months digging into the book of Hebrews through Bible Courses, gathering together weekly for our large-group Leadership Lecture Series (“The Anchor”), serving students on campus and the larger Providence community, a Fall Retreat back in October, and currently a week of fasting and prayer, culminating in a large Thanksgiving feast on November 17th. With all this and so much more, it’s been a fun, spiritually nourishing, and busy semester so far!

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We’re well on our way into the fall semester here at Brown University. Lots of life and ministry have happened so far this semester – Bible courses, community gatherings, service opportunities with local non-profits, and so much more. One highlight from the past month was our annual Fall Retreat to Lakeside Christian Camp and Retreat Center in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts, the weekend of October 5-7. This year’s theme was “Until We Find Our Rest in You,” a theme taken from St. Augustine that focused on exploring what it means to find rest in Jesus in the midst of the busyness of life. The retreat center was the perfect setting to slow down and consider the rest of Jesus in community. There was plenty of time for small-group discussion, apple picking, and even the occasional nap. In all, the short time away proved to be exceptionally restful, encouraging and helpful in solidifying our community as the year begins.


The fall semester has begun here at Brown University and we’re well into our Freshman Welcoming Campaign (our effort to love, serve and welcome freshmen into our community during the first four weeks of the semester). It’s been a flurry of events, conversations and the beginning of our normal rhythms of ministry. There’s so much I could share, but I wanted to briefly share one story.