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Christian Union

Join Us in Asking God to Intervene

Psalm 127:1 reminds us that "unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." We are profoundly aware how reliant we are on God as we seek to make a difference for Him. Any lasting fruit will be the result of His work in the lives of those to whom we minister.


We count it a privilege to be involved in the lives of others. Would you please join us in praying for our various ministries?

Brown University Prayer Requests
Columbia University Prayer Requests
Cornell University Prayer Requests
Dartmouth College Prayer Requests
Harvard College Prayer Requests
Harvard Law Prayer Requests
Princeton University Prayer Requests
Stanford University Prayer Requests
University of Pennsylvania Prayer Requests
Yale University Prayer Requests

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Columbia University
Founded 1754
Spiritual Heritage New York City and the Anglicans initially disagreed as to what Columbia's religious affiliation would be, but eventually, all constituencies agreed to commit themselves to principles of religious liberty. 
Motto In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen; "In thy Light, We Shall See the Light."

Christian Union at Columbia
Year the ministry was founded 2011
Full-time Christian Union ministry faculty 1

Christian Union is an independent Christian Ministry.