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Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

Greetings from the campus of Yale!

Spring Semester is beginning and although you are not on campus with us, God has you in just the right place He needs you—in prayer for the work of the Kingdom at Yale. Please join us in prayer for four major events this semester: winter retreat, Bible courses, outreach, and campus-wide prayer.

Our upcoming winter retreat will be at Mercy by the Sea in Madison, Connecticut. We will be spending two days walking the students through biblical inner healing principles and allowing the Holy Spirit to set them free at the end of the weekend. I will be the guest speaker for this retreat, and I will be sharing my former battle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which I suffered for 15 years after returning home from war in Iraq in 2004. I will be sharing how the Holy Spirit gave inner healing and set me completely free from 15 years of tormenting thoughts and nightmares. Please be praying with us that:

  • Students would be open and honest to allow the Holy Spirit to conduct the work needed for healing;
  • Students would walk in the light with themselves and others (1 John 1:7); and
  • Students would be called into deeper intimacy with Jesus as they begin this semester.

We are soon to kick off our round of Bible courses for the spring semester. Freshmen will be going through the sex and spirituality study; sophomores and juniors will study through the book of Acts, and seniors will attend the vocational Bible course. Prayer requests for these vary, please pray with us:

  • Freshmen will be inspired to seek God wholeheartedly and further love him in their obedience.
  • Freshmen will see God’s design for sex within marriage and receive healing and wholeness in Christ for any sexual sins.
  • Sophomores and juniors will have fresh fillings of the Holy Spirit in Bible courses and be inspired to live as in the day of Acts.
  • Seniors would gain wisdom and understanding for Christian living and the future plans that the Lord has for them (Jer 29:11-13).

Lastly, pray for our upcoming campus-wide prayer meeting. We are in the beginning stages of development for a campus-wide prayer meeting for revival. Dr. Carter Conlon has agreed to co-host an outdoor worldwide prayer meeting on the campus of Yale. This prayer meeting will bring together more than 60,000 - 100,000, from 242 different countries, men and women across the world both online and in-person to pray specifically for a campus-wide awakening in the students and faculty. I would ask that you join us in the planning stages of this great move of God. It will be with your help in prayer that we will see God do a wondrous work in this generation of students.

I am forever grateful for your prayer support. Martin Luther, when once asked what his plans for the following day were, answered: “Work, work, from early until late. In fact, I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” It is this attitude that you and so many others have which is why we can do the work on campus in the presence of the Lord.

As always, I am deeply grateful for your support and can feel the effects of your prayers for Yale and our students.

May God Richly Bless You,

Jeffrey Walsh
Ministry Director
Christian Union Lux

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Yale, please email prayer@christianunion.org.