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Pray for Cornell

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Please pray for Christian Union's ministry at Cornell.
Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

While the weather is cooling down at Cornell, the academics are heating up, as our students have been taking prelim exams over recent weeks. Bible courses have been very well attended and weekly prayer meetings are getting underway. One of our sophomore leaders, an engineering major from Pennsylvania, decided to lead a new prayer meeting on Wednesday nights. We are encouraged that an increasing number of students are feeling led to seek the Lord for personal renewal and wider revival together with their friends.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

I hope you will be encouraged to know that your prayers for us for the start of the year at Cornell have been answered! During the first week of the semester that started last week, we were able to meaningfully welcome and serve over 40 new Cornell students. Many of them are finding Christian community with CU Vita and showing sincere interest in joining our Bible courses that start this week.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

As I write this, I pray with joy and thankfulness for you and your partnership with us in the gospel at Cornell. We are expecting great things in the year ahead, for the Lord to work according to His good pleasure and His covenant promises. His steadfast love endures, even to this day, in each of your lives and communities, and on the campus of Cornell University, where we and our student leaders are endeavoring to follow Jesus for the sake of His saving and sanctifying work.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

As we look forward to next year, we are praying that God will continue his good work at Cornell. We are so happy to report that we have already connected with many incoming freshmen, and we would love to meet more. Please pray that our efforts would be fruitful and that many incoming students would find Christian community at Cornell. Our leaders are eager to introduce new students to our community and many of the new freshmen are spreading the word about CU Vita with their class as well. It is such a big life transition for these new Cornell students and we long to be used by God to extend his love and grace and friendship to them during this challenging time. Pray that we would have wisdom and that God would open many doors for the gospel with this incoming group.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Ithaca! While we will miss our seniors, we are so happy to know that they are moving on from Cornell mature in Christ, eager to put the glory of God on display in their various fields, and equipped to lead and make an impact for Jesus all over the world. Please pray for them as they transition away from life at Cornell to various careers and graduate schools. Pray that they would know that God has a perfect plan for them and pray that they will find solid Christian fellowship and local churches where they can continue to grow and use their gifts and talents for God’s glory.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We are incredibly encouraged by what God is doing at Cornell and we thank you for your ongoing prayers and support. There is an unprecedented amount of fellowship and activity at the Mott Center. Students are praying together, studying together, sharing meals together, and spending time in God’s Word. There is a heart to seek the Lord that we are witnessing both within our group and across the campus.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Thank you for continuing to pray for our students and staff. We are grateful for your partnership in the gospel at Cornell. A resurgence of Covid infections on campus caused us to take precautions over the past two weeks and hold all of our meetings virtually, but thankfully we expect to be back to normal with live Bible courses, prayer meetings, and leadership meetings next week. Our students are in the midst of a busy prelim exam season, but they are continuing to gather for Bible study, prayer, fellowship at the Mott Center, and student-to-student discipleship. We are thankful for the many new students that have joined the ministry this year! Please continue to pray:

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Ithaca, NY! Thank you so much for your prayers and faithful support. We are happy to report that our students are thriving. Our Bible course groups are studying the Word each week. Most of our students are studying Acts and we have had rich discussions about mission and our Spirit-empowered witness for Jesus at Cornell. Our student-to-student discipleship program is up and running with students from every Bible course meeting in small groups of 2-4 each week to read the Bible, encourage one another and pray. A new weekly worship night is also happening at the Mott Center enabling students to seek the Lord together in praise and prayer, and in addition to this, a student-led prayer meeting is happening at Mott each week! Our students continue to work creatively during the pandemic to gather together for fellowship at Mott and virtually. Last weekend, one of our junior athletes on the Track and Field team hosted a Zoom trivia night. And we continue to add students to our Bible courses on a weekly basis. God is surely at work and we are grateful! Please continue to pray:

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Thank you for your continued prayers for our faculty and students who are starting to return to campus! Classes resume the week of February 7 and we will launch our Bible courses the following week. We are excited to report that our students have continued to think creatively about how to do ministry and pursue Christian fellowship at Cornell during a pandemic. In addition to weekly Bible courses and prayer meetings, students have volunteered to lead social activities as well as a new student to student discipleship program during the spring semester.

With so many new students joining the ministry this year, discipleship groups of three to four meet weekly for Bible reading, mutual encouragement, and prayer as a great way for students to deepen their relationships with each other and the Lord. It is truly an answer to prayer to see our students, during this difficult year, think about others with a willingness to serve their friends and the Cornell community! The gospel is bearing fruit and we look forward to seeing God at work by his grace in the lives of our students again this semester. Thank you for all your support and prayers!

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

We’re wishing you a happy new year from snowy Ithaca! Thank you for your continued prayers for our staff and our students. We are trusting God and praying for a fruitful 2021 filled with Christian growth and maturity, new faith, and revival on our campus. We are happy to report that the students are doing well, and over the winter break, we have had several new students show interest in joining Bible courses and leadership for the upcoming year. Our staff and student Bible course leaders are preparing to teach Acts, Sex and Spirituality, and Seeking God Bible courses during the spring semester, which we pray will fill our students with truth that will empower their witness for Christ at Cornell in 2021, and we look forward to starting a new prayer meeting this spring that one of our amazing new freshmen has volunteered to lead!