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Please Pray for Christian Union's ministry at Yale.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers in support of God’s work through Christian Union at Yale. The Lord is indeed moving here in beautiful ways. We celebrated as one of our freshmen, who made a faith commitment in high school, passed through the waters of baptism this past Sunday. Another student came to faith after a spiritual encounter two weeks ago. Still others are actively exploring, drawing near, and on the verge of giving their lives to Jesus. We’ve even had non-Christians bringing their friends to our Friday dinner and Leadership Lecture Series.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for continuing to remember us in prayer before the Lord Jesus Christ! I’m pleased to share that Fall Retreat (Oct 12-14) was the encouraging, faith-building experience that we had hoped it would be! We brought 28 students to the Incarnation Center to reconnect with God and with one another, and evangelist Chris White (Yale ’87) taught richly from God’s Word and his own life. Saturday night was particularly powerful as the Holy Spirit flooded the room during our time of worship, and God’s Spirit helped staff and students pray over and minister to one another. I had a strong impression right before the retreat that the young men and women in our ministry would begin to live more like “brothers and sisters” in Christ as a result of the weekend. Progress towards that end was evident in group times, play times, meal times, and we all agreed that God had graced us with much deeper sense of “openness” as guards had come down in response to His work in hearts.

Dear Prayer Partners,

We’re in the 4th full week of the semester — classes are in full swing, fall weather is here, and the students are feeling quite harried with all the demands on them!  Thank you for each of your remembrances and prayers for us and the ministry here at Yale and thank you for lifting up our students.  Someday we’ll all have a better view into how much Christ has truly been holding all things together!

Dear Prayer Partners,

As I write this update, Clay and the Yale team are in the midst of their pre-retreat with student leaders!  Before classes start, the student leaders and the CU staff come together to reconnect with each other, the Lord, and the mission to reach Yale's campus with the gospel of Christ Jesus.  In particular, they'll be strategically focusing on hospitality and outreach to the first-year students.  Join me in praying that this time would be fruitful in terms of their relationships with each other, the Lord, and in stirring up these leaders to boldly proclaim the Lord and minister to their classmates.

Dear Prayer Partners,

We are so grateful for your prayers always. This past Sunday, I was reminded of a profound truth in Hebrews 7:25 — “Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” Jesus Christ, who is alive at the Father’s right hand is himself praying for us. He maintains a fervent and faithful prayer watch, talking to the Almighty Father on our behalf who is able to do anything. Thank you for the prayers you lift up to the living Savior concerning us, our students, and our campus.

Dear Prayer Partners,

As the last month came to a close, we bid farewell (and happy birthday) to Jason Entgelmeier, who after serving as the student president of Christian Union at Yale, graduated in 2017 and then worked with us as a Ministry Intern this past year. All of us on the team here love Jason dearly, and we invite you to join us in thanking God for the manifold ways He has poured into Jason and continues to form him as a Christ-like, gifted young man, and also for the exemplary work Jason has done here on campus while walking with God's Spirit. Please join us also in praying for Jason as he discerns his next steps while working back home in Kansas over the summer.