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Greetings from NYC!

We are pleased to share with you a few highlights from the most recent Christian Union Fire Retreat (CUFR) that was held in the vibrant city of New York! The CUFR event left an indelible mark on all of the participants, many of whom are a part of our Young Alumni Society!

The group of participants expressed that the event had a significant impact on their lives, and many encountered the unmistakable presence of God. CUFR’s combination of Spirit-led prayer, insightful teaching, uplifting worship, and dedicated time immersed in Scripture resonated deeply with our group, fostering an atmosphere of spiritual connection and growth.

One of our participants recently shared their heartfelt gratitude, saying, "Thank you for everything this weekend. I just pray that you reap 100-fold of all the goodwill you have sown and will in the future. I know that God has already worked through you immensely in my life. I am so grateful. I feel so much freer and had a six-hour car ride where I found myself speaking in tongues, and just crying. Thank you for taking the time to minister to me and to us all. We are so blessed."

Another participant followed up, “Since the retreat I have truly read (and listened to) the Bible more than I think I ever had before!”

We are thrilled to witness the transformative power of God’s presence, all of the fruit that CU Fire Retreats are producing in New York City, and the positive impact it had on our group.

Approximately 450 hours of fasting prayer by CU Associates and volunteers prior to the event, paved the way for the Spirit of God to enliven His Word, activating it and dividing bone from marrow; Spirit from soul. Praise God for His faithfulness in hearing our prayers and meeting us in power. Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to grow and connect with us!

In addition to this Young Alumni Society group, there were 5 other host sites in NYC with a total of 64 NYC retreat participants of all ages, and 13 total host sites across the country seeking the Lord simultaneously!

If you feel led to join this movement to reshape and renew one of America’s most influential cities through a one-time or recurring gift, please use this secure link: Christian Union New York | Christian Union or share it with someone in your life who may be interested.

Thank you for your commitment to praying for us! May we be strengthened and empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission entrusted to us for advancing His kingdom across NYC!

Blessings in Jesus,

Karen Hetzler
Executive Director
Christian Union New York