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Greetings from NYC!

As spring descends upon the bustling city, CU New York is in full swing!

Over the last month I have had several meetings with Cornerstone partners! It was delightful getting to know so many new people during this first month here as the new executive director of CU New York. Hearing stories of transformation in people's lives never gets old! In fact, I recently had a coffee meeting with a faithful Cornerstone partner who has been tremendously blessed by the CU Fire Retreats. She asked about the vision for those in the future. CU New York's desire is to see the number of CU Fire Retreats increase dramatically across New York City with hosts in every borough! Would you join us in prayer for this?

Greetings from NYC!

My name is Andy Woodard, and I am delighted to introduce myself to you. I've been hired as the new executive director for CU New York effective Monday, March 25th, the year of our Lord 2024.

I'm excited to share with you three things that brought me to Christian Union: first, the strategic vision for investing in key leaders by encouraging them to seek the Lord with their whole hearts; second, my own personal benefit from the ministry of Christian Union and Matt Bennett. I received and observed the power of this ministry to transform lives firsthand. Third, the mission of Christian Union is to wholeheartedly seek the Lord to bring about a great awakening in New York City.

Greetings from NYC!

We are pleased to share with you a few highlights from the most recent Christian Union Fire Retreat (CUFR) that was held in the vibrant city of New York! The CUFR event left an indelible mark on all of the participants, many of whom are a part of our Young Alumni Society!

The group of participants expressed that the event had a significant impact on their lives, and many encountered the unmistakable presence of God. CUFR’s combination of Spirit-led prayer, insightful teaching, uplifting worship, and dedicated time immersed in Scripture resonated deeply with our group, fostering an atmosphere of spiritual connection and growth.

Christian Union New York thanks God upon every remembrance of you. Thank you for continuing to bring our plans and needs before the Lord. True shepherds realize that we are merely undershepherds of the Good Shepherd. Thank you for joining CU New York to inquire of Him first and seek His heart, will, strategy, help, and favor. Let’s collectively bring the following needs to the throne of grace.

Impudent prayer is needed and pleases our Father, who longs to reward His children who ask and seek Him. Christian Union New York invites you to join us in the Lord’s divine offer to present our requests before the Lord, with thanksgiving (Phillipians 4:6).

Greetings from NYC!

James encourages and reminds us of the power of prayer: “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” - James 5:16. Your prayers for Christian Union New York are needed, and they are working! Fruits of the ministry in NY are abundant, but the need for intercession is even greater. Please continue to pray! Join Christian Union New York in prayer over these three exciting ministry opportunities and events happening this August.

Beloved brothers and sisters,

As we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, may the body of Christ in NYC and across all humanity, cast one giant net of gospel proclamation. The Lord has graciously raised us from death to life and it is our high privilege and responsibility to be fishers of men.

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 

2 Chronicles 7:14

Whispers of revival are spreading across pockets in the US and across NYC! Will we be revived? 

As the Church has eyes on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Asbury University and Seminary, intrigue and hunger are growing. Many are asking, what must we do to experience the Holy Spirit ourselves in these ways? Lord, search our hearts. 

It is exciting to report that several pastors in NYC  have been seeking God fervently as He requires for many months now. Together they, their families, and their congregations have been fasting several days a week and for longer stints, praying, repenting, and wholeheartedly seeking the Lord’s face together. Following the outpouring at Asbury, a small handful of these pastors are beginning to see and experience outpourings of the Holy Spirit in NYC like never before! Did they cultivate a soil that could receive the rain?

Dear CU New York Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

As Christians in New York City, we cannot stand idly by as we watch the perils of our nation and of our American churches:

  • Departure from the Word and presence of God
  • Fatherlessness and broken families 
  • Celebration of distorted gender and sexual ideologies 
  • Rebellion against God and authority
  • Division and hatred
  • Widespread deception, corruption, and confusion
  • Lack of repentance and holiness 
  • Idols of self and materials  


R. C. Sproul commented: “In every generation, including our own, the same perils to the spiritual strength that Jesus rebuked in the seven churches of Revelation threaten us anew…There were rebukes and encouragements given to these churches by our Lord that every church in every age must take seriously, examining ourselves to make sure that we are not manifesting the same departures from biblical truths that these churches were. We must be vigilant and diligent if we are to maintain a godly witness in our day.” 


In order to stay vigilant and to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), Christian Union developed a 24 Hour prayer chain as a practical means to join together as the body of Christ to pray for our nation and for our churches. As darkness increases, the Light must also increase! 


Would you sign up for a 15 minute daily time to pray for our nation and our churches, so that there would be ceaseless prayer through the CU 24 Hour Prayer Chain? 

As fall is around the corner, Christian Union New York remembers the biblical concept of the harvest season. In our modern American context, a literal season of harvest is of little significance to many of us. Yet all throughout Scripture, the Lord speaks to His people regarding the seasons of harvest, both literally and figuratively.  Jesus frequently refers to the harvest of souls through His parables. In Matthew 9:37-38,  Jesus tells his disciples: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

In this wisdom, we come to you to ask for your prayers and support, to wrap around Christian Union New York as laborers of the harvest! On the cusp of fall, Christian Union New York is already seeing a plentiful harvest with abundant fruits from the ministry. In this past month, Christian Union NY has formed a CU Alumni Leadership team for the class of 2022 CU alumni who are planning gatherings and ministry opportunities for the 21 alumni of the CU class of 2022 in the city.  Many of these alumni met for the first time at a meet and greet dinner in August and are excited for more opportunities to come.