Pray for Harvard Law
Select the Most Recent Update, Below

I have a confession. I hesitate to even share it, because, depending on where your loyalties land, you will probably react one way or another. But react, most probably, you will.
I’m a Patriots fan. (Insert reaction here.)
All kidding aside. I love watching Patriots football, not only because of blind loyalty to the home team, but more so because I find it fascinating that when (and if) we win, the credit goes to the whole team, and not one player. My opinion is that the success of any organization is largely based upon the quality of the vision and the quality of the TEAM executing that vision.
I’m a Patriots fan. (Insert reaction here.)
All kidding aside. I love watching Patriots football, not only because of blind loyalty to the home team, but more so because I find it fascinating that when (and if) we win, the credit goes to the whole team, and not one player. My opinion is that the success of any organization is largely based upon the quality of the vision and the quality of the TEAM executing that vision.
“Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvested little…” Haggai 1:5,6
One of the most frustrating things in life is to invest an exorbitant amount of resources—time, talents, and sometimes treasures—towards something, to only see questionable ROI’s - RETURN ON INVESTMENTS. It’s painfully awkward when it’s someone else’s resources, but when it’s our own, it’s just painful. My wife, Melissa, will commonly say, “Well, that’s a part of my life I won’t get back!?” Ouch.
One of the most frustrating things in life is to invest an exorbitant amount of resources—time, talents, and sometimes treasures—towards something, to only see questionable ROI’s - RETURN ON INVESTMENTS. It’s painfully awkward when it’s someone else’s resources, but when it’s our own, it’s just painful. My wife, Melissa, will commonly say, “Well, that’s a part of my life I won’t get back!?” Ouch.
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel . . . (Phil. 1:3-5)
I hope this finds you well, trusting in the Lord. I am grateful for our partnership of prayer in the gospel. As I remember you with thanksgiving, I want to give you a few updates to inform your prayers as the new academic year begins.
I hope this finds you well, trusting in the Lord. I am grateful for our partnership of prayer in the gospel. As I remember you with thanksgiving, I want to give you a few updates to inform your prayers as the new academic year begins.
Hello, prayer partners.
Thank you for remembering us and the Lord’s work here in your prayers. And to inform your prayers, I want to give you a few updates.
Thank you for remembering us and the Lord’s work here in your prayers. And to inform your prayers, I want to give you a few updates.
Hello prayer partners.
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you a June update to inform your prayers.
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you a June update to inform your prayers.
Hello, prayer partners.
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you a May update to inform your prayers.
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you a May update to inform your prayers.
Hello, prayer partners.
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you an April update to inform your prayers.
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you an April update to inform your prayers.
Hello prayer partners,
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful and want to update you for March to inform your prayers.
Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful and want to update you for March to inform your prayers.
We are grateful for your support and want to give you an update through February of this spring semester to inform your continued prayers.
We are grateful for your support and want to give you an update through February of this spring semester to inform your continued prayers.
As we begin the spring semester, I want to encourage you to continue praying for the Christian Union ministry at Harvard Law School (HLS) and our student group, Coram Deo Law. This semester will bring its own share of possibilities and challenges. And we know that success in both requires the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and our faithful submission to him. So please join us in praying that the Lord's work continues to bear fruit in the lives of our students and on the HLS campus.
As we begin the spring semester, I want to encourage you to continue praying for the Christian Union ministry at Harvard Law School (HLS) and our student group, Coram Deo Law. This semester will bring its own share of possibilities and challenges. And we know that success in both requires the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and our faithful submission to him. So please join us in praying that the Lord's work continues to bear fruit in the lives of our students and on the HLS campus.